Residency Programs

Learn more about our unique opportunities to accelerate your pharmacy career.

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Student explaining how to use an inhaler

PGY-1 Community Based Residency

We offer two residency positions on the Jackson campus and two on the Oxford campus, providing experiences at community pharmacy practice sites.

Student Looking at pills

PGY-2 Ambulatory Care Residency

The University of Mississippi offers a comprehensive post-graduate training experience with a PGY-2 Ambulatory Care Residency Program. The program offers two positions based in the School of Pharmacy on the University of Mississippi Medical Center campus in Jackson, Mississippi.

PGY-1 Community-Based Pharmacy Residency

The University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy PGY1 Community-Based Pharmacy Residency program in Jackson and Oxford, Mississippi, is accredited by ASHP in partnership with APhA.

There are 4 positions within the PGY1 Community-Based Residency Program among 3 different practice sites.  On the Oxford Campus, one resident will be primarily at Tyson Drug Company in Holly Springs, MS and the other resident at the University Health Services Pharmacy which provides services for employees and students on the Oxford Campus.  Both residents will be involved in providing patient care clinical services.  The two Jackson Campus residents' practice at Brick City Drugs, in Madison.  They also practice in clinical settings and the Jackson Free Clinic. Additional opportunities for all sites include working with the Mississippi Community Pharmacy Enhanced Services Network (CPESN), engaging with the local community, and participating in the Teaching and Learning Certificate Program.

Application Procedures

Program Application Information:

  • Eligible applicants are those who will be eligible for licensure with the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy (see specific criteria at
  • To be considered, eligible applicants must submit a completed application through PhORCAS, including a letter of intent, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and a transcript. Candidates will be reviewed based on all of these items.  Preference for an interview is given to those with a minimum of 2.7 GPA (or a “Pass” grade on each required course/rotation if from a Pass/Fail program) and a favorable review of the application packet.
  • The application deadline is Jan 3rd, 2025

Program Code: 53001

NMS Code: 176115 - Jackson Campus (Brick City Drugs)

NMS Code: 176121 - Oxford Campus (Tyson Drug Co.)

NMS Code: 176122 - Oxford Campus (University Health Services Pharmacy)

Salary and Benefits

The annual salary is competitive amongst other residency programs, and the resident receives University of Mississippi employee benefits, including health insurance, major holidays off, sick leave, and professional reimbursement.

Eligibility Requirements

Status required by the start date of employment:

  • Doctor of Pharmacy from an accredited college or university
  • Eligible for licensure in good standing with the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy

Site: Tyson Drug Company (1 resident)
Highlights: Tyson Drug Company has been around for decades and is a pioneer in the state and beyond in establishing innovative clinical services within a community-based pharmacy setting as part of CPESN.  Bob Lomenick, owner and preceptor, is a leader within CPESN Mississippi and is passionate about transforming community pharmacy practice.  The resident participates in remote patient monitoring, medication packaging, dispensing, project management, vaccine clinics, community engagement, precepting, and more!  Academia is a core experience for all residents, and this includes the enrollment in our state's Teaching Certificate Program.  This resident is at the Pharmacy School one day per week.  Wellness, leadership, and personal development related discussions are also regularly scheduled. 


Site: University Health Services Pharmacy (1 resident)
Highlights: We are excited to launch a new practice site on the University of Mississippi Oxford Campus at the pharmacy for students and employees that is part of the University Health Services.  This will provide a unique opportunity to engage with students, faculty, and staff on campus to provide community-based pharmacy services.  The resident will be at the pharmacy for 40% of their time but will also be a part of various community engagement events on and off campus.  One day per week, the resident will provide patient care services in an ambulatory care clinic.  Academia is a core experience for all residents and this resident will help with Skills Lab facilitating as well as other grading and content development/delivery for P1 and P2 students primarily.  Like the other residents, this resident will be a part of our state's Teaching Certificate Program.  Wellness, leadership, and personal development related discussions are also regularly scheduled. 

 Example Schedule for Oxford Campus

Table 1

Tyson Drug Company Example Schedule







Community Pharmacy Practice




Community Pharmacy Practice


Community Engagement


Community-based Rural Health 


Teaching, Learning, and Leadership 

(School of Pharmacy)

Community Pharmacy Practice (Long-Term Care patient-centered dispensing)

(Tyson Med Packs)

Patient-centered Dispensing (every 5th Saturday)



Table 1

Oxford (University Health Services Pharmacy) Example Schedule








Community Pharmacy



Ambulatory Care Clinic



Community Pharmacy




Community Engagement

Personal, Professional Leadership Development




Site: Brick City Drugs (2 residents)
Highlights: The residents spend 40% of their time at Brick City Drugs, and independent community pharmacy in Madison, MS that is part of the Mississippi's Community Pharmacy Enhanced Services Network (CPESN).  These residents also get a variety of clinical patient care experiences in ambulatory care practice.  Academia is a core experience for all residents, and this includes the enrollment in our state's Teaching Certificate Program.  Wellness, leadership, and personal development related discussions are also regularly scheduled. The residents also contribute to community engagement through health events and serving at the Jackson Free Clinic, which is a student run non-profit organization offering a variety of medical and pharmacy services to uninsured patients around the Jackson area.

Example Schedule for Jackson Campus

Jackson Example Schedule







Community Pharmacy Practice

(Brick City)

Community-based Rural Health

(Ambulatory Care Clinic)

Community Pharmacy Practice

(Brick City)


Teaching, Learning, and Leadership

(School of Pharmacy)

Family Medicine

Research; Wellness; Meetings

(School of Pharmacy)

Patient-centered Dispensing

 (every 4th Saturday)

  • Community Pharmacy Practice
  • Personal, Professional, & Leadership Development
  • Academia
  • Community-Based Rural Health
  • Community Engagement
  • Research
  • Wellness

All residents participate in a statewide Teaching and Learning Certificate Program. The residents also meet with the Director of Wellbeing and Belonging at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy for regular discussions on assigned readings and activities around wellness.


PGY1 residency programs build upon Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) education and outcomes to develop pharmacist practitioners with knowledge, skills, and abilities as defined in the educational competency areas, goals, and objectives. Residents who complete PGY1 residency programs will be skilled in diverse patient care, practice management, leadership, and education and be prepared to provide patient care, seek board certification in pharmacotherapy (i.e., BCPS), and pursue advanced education and training opportunities, including postgraduate year two (PGY2) residencies.


  • Practice in innovative community-based settings
  • Contribute to clinical patient care services
  • Educate and precept pharmacy students
  • Design, evaluate, and present a research project
  • Improve and implement services in the community-based setting
  • Actively engage with the community and within pharmacy organizations

Courtney Davis, Pharm.D., BCACP
Clinical Associate Professor
PGY-1 Community-Based Residency Director
University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacy Practice
2500 North State Street
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

PGY-2 Ambulatory Care Residency

The University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy PGY-2 Ambulatory Care Residency Program in Jackson, Mississippi, is accredited by the ASHP.

The University of Mississippi offers a comprehensive post-graduate training experience with a PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency Program. The program offers two positions in the School of Pharmacy on the University of Mississippi Medical Center campus in Jackson, Mississippi.

The program offers unique advanced clinical opportunities in various practice settings, including precepting PharmD students and PGY1 residents. Preparing residents to become leaders in pharmacy practice is a strong emphasis. Research opportunities exist within the School of Pharmacy, UMMC clinics, and with our external clinical partners. The resident will be exposed to any patients, including insured, uninsured, and Medicare/Medicaid populations.

Application Procedures

  • The application deadline for both programs is January 5, 2025.
  • Resident applicants must apply online through the Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application Service (PhORCAS).
  • Applicants must register for and participate in the ASHP Resident Matching Program at

Documents required

  • Updated curriculum vitae
  • Cover letter
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • On-site interviews are required and will be scheduled in January or February. Applicants will be contacted by email or telephone to arrange interview dates and times.

For the PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency Program, applicants must have completed an ASHP-accredited PGY1 Residency Program.

PGY-2 Ambulatory Care Residency Program Match Code is 53011.

Eligibility Requirements

Status required by the start date of employment:

  • Doctor of Pharmacy from an accredited college or university
  • Eligible for licensure in good standing with the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy

Salary and Benefits

The annual salary is competitive amongst other residency programs, and the resident receives University of Mississippi employee benefits, including health insurance, major holidays off, sick leave, and professional reimbursement.

  • Anticoagulation
  • Weight Management
  • Vigilant Health - Diabetes Care
  • Family Medicine
  • Geriatrics
  • Heart Failure
  • FQHC Health
  • Jackson Free Clinic
  • Med/Peds
All residents participate in a statewide Teaching and Learning Curriculum in which they are awarded a certificate upon completion of the program.

The School of Pharmacy seeks to provide residents with the knowledge and skills to become competent practitioners in both clinical and academic settings. Graduates of this program will have the clinical competence and skills necessary to manage an ambulatory pharmacy practice, counsel and evaluate patients, teach students, and provide chronic disease state management.

Graduates will also learn how to establish their innovative pharmacy practice, practice in an established ambulatory care clinic setting, perform as an academician, join the faculty at an accredited pharmacy school, educate and evaluate patients, and provide drug information services.

Joshua Fleming, PharmD, BCACP, FASHP
University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacy Practice
2500 North State Street
Jackson, MS 39216-4505
headshot of PGY2 Residency student

My Residency Journey

"As a past resident of the PGY1 community-based program and a current resident of the PGY2 ambulatory care program, I've appreciated many aspects of residency training with the University of Mississippi. Both programs offer a wide range of clinical experiences with diverse patient populations. Here, preceptors create a supportive yet challenging learning environment. Also, both programs provide the opportunity to get involved with the community and help the medically underserved through the Jackson Free Clinic. I've enjoyed growing as a pharmacist in my postgraduate training at the University of Mississippi.

Amy Ly-Ha

PGY2 Resident