Julia Bussade

Instructional Assistant Professor of Modern Languages and Director of Elementary Spanish and Portuguese Programs

Julia Emilia Bussade

Director of Portuguese and Basic Spanish Programs


Dr. Julia Emilia Bussade is the Director of Portuguese and Basic Spanish Programs at the University of Mississippi, where she has been teaching since 1996. She holds a BA degree with a double major in Portuguese and English, from the Faculdade de Filosofia de Itaperuna (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), an MA in English from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, Brazil), and a Ph.D in Education with emphasis in TESOL, from the University of Mississippi. The main purpose of her dissertation “Teachers’ Attitudes toward the Use of Technology at the University of Mississippi” identifies how much technology is used in language teaching in Spanish and Portuguese classes; what the perceptions from the instructors’ perspectives as to what the most effective resources for language teaching and learning are; the obstacles as well as facilitators in the use of technology in language teaching; samples of what is considered innovative technological resources use; and the frequency that technology has been used in the department. Bussade’s interests include Spanish and Portuguese linguistics; contextualized culture in language teaching; distance learning; legal translations; and court interpretation.


B.A. Liberal Arts, Faculdate De Filosofia De Itaperuna (1987)

M.A. English, Catholic University of Minas Gerais (1990)

Ph.D. Education, The University of Mississippi (2010)