Dr. Doug Sullivan-Gonzalez is a Professor of History in the Department of History at the University of Mississippi.
Research Interests
Dr. Doug Sullivan-Gonzalez currently focuses on the role of religion and religiosity in 19th and 20th century Guatemala. Dr. Sullivan-Gonzalez has recently published on the history of Liberation Theology in Latin American.
Dr. Sullivan-González completed his Bachelor of Arts with Honors at Samford University and his Master of Divinity and Master of Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. He taught Church History and Social Ethics from 1984-1986 at the Nicaraguan Baptist Seminary in Managua, Nicaragua, and completed his Phd in Latin American History at The University of Texas at Austin. He initiated his teaching career at UM as Assistant Professor in 1993, and then taught at Tulane University as Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of History from 1999-2000 Sullivan-González served as Dean of the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College from 2003-2021 and returned to the Department of History as Professor of History in 2021.
The Black Christ of Esquipulas: Religion and Identity in Guatemala, the University of Nebraska Press, 2016
Piety, Power, and Politics: Religion and Nation Formation in Guatemala, 1821-1871, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998.
“History of Liberation Theology in Latin America,” Oxford University Research Encyclopedia on Latin America, 2022.
Courses Taught
- HST 362 History of Mexico and Central America
- HST 366 Race and Ethnicity in Latin America
- HST 367 Social Revolutions in Latin America
- HST 498 Undergrad Research Seminar in History
- INST 101 Introduction to International Studies
- INST 207 Latin American Studies
- SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II
- SPAN 111 Intensive Elementary Spanish
- SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 211 Intensive Intermediate Spanish
MDV Divinity, Princeton Theological Seminary (1982)
M.A. Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary (1983)
Ph.D. History, University of Texas at Austin (1994)