Dr. Dao Nguyen is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Mississippi.
Research Interests
Dr. Nguyen's research interests include computational statistics, simulation-based inference, stochastic optimization, and machine learning.
He is also interested in:
- Langevin Monte Carlo with functional analysis
- Blackbox sampling and smoothing using p-generalized Gaussian distribution
- Computational statistics and mechanistic modeling for ecology of infectious diseases
Dao Nguyen is an assistant professor of Statistics. In 2016, Dr. Nguyen received his doctoral degree from the University of Michigan. Prior to joining the Department of Mathematics at the University of Mississippi, he worked as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley for more than one year. His research focuses on computational statistics, stochastic optimization, simulation-based inference, and machine learning.
Selected Publications:
Dang, X., Nguyen, D., Chen, Y. and Zhang, J. (2021). A new Gini correlation between quantitative
and qualitative variables. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.
Zhang, S., Dang, X., Nguyen, D., Wilkins, D. and Chen, Y., (2021). Estimating Feature-Label Dependence Using Gini Distance Statistics. Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
Nguyen, D., de Valpine, P., Atchade, Y., Turek, D., Michaud, N., Paciorek, C., (2020). Nested adaptation of MCMC algorithms. Bayesian Analysis.
Michaud, N., de Valpine, P., Turek, D., Michaud, N., Paciorek, C., Nguyen, D., (2019). Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in the NIMBLE R Package. Journal of Statistical Software.
Nguyen and E. L. Ionides, Second order Iterated Smoothing, Journal of Statistics and Computing 27 (2017), 1677-1692.
Nguyen, Another look at Bayes map iterated filtering, Statistics and Probability Letters 118 (2016), 32-36.
A. King, D. Nguyen and E. L. Ionides, Statistical inference for partially observed Markov processes via the R package pomp, Journal of Statistical Software 69 (2016), 187-208.
L. Ionides, D. Nguyen, Y. Atchade, S. Stoev, and A. A. King, Inference for dynamic and latent variable models via iterated, perturbed Bayes maps, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112 (2015), 719-724.
Nguyen, M. H. Jeong, B. J. You and S. R. Oh, Self-Taught Classifier of Gateways for Hybrid SLAM, IEICE transactions on communications 93 (2010), 2481-2484.
Nguyen, B. J. You and S. R. Oh, A simple framework for indoor monocular SLAM, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 6 (2008), 62-75.
Courses Taught
- Math 115 Elementary Statistics
- Math 261 Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry I
- Math 262 Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry II
- Math 264 Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV
- Math 268 Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. II
- Math 375 Introduction to Statistics I
- Math 380 Statistical Computing and Data Analysis
- Math 575 Mathematical Statistics I
- Math 671 Statistical Methods I
- Math 775 Advanced Statistics I
Ph.D. Statistics, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (2016)