Dr. Francis Boateng is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice & Legal Studies
Research Interests
- Policing: Studying the dynamics of police-citizen interactions, treatment of police officers by the organization, police legitimacy, and police misconduct. Dr. Boateng's research in this area aims to address complex questions related to building strong collaborative relationships between the police and the community; building and sustaining legitimacy in the eyes of the public; assessing factors that influence police decision making at the individual and the organizational level; and understanding police misconduct and crime and identifying the best possible ways to address misconduct in police organizations.
- Comparative Criminology: Studying criminal justice issues across different contexts to understand differences and similarities among countries, and the role of culture in institutional decision making, behavior, and processes. Dr. Boateng's research in this area is based on the philosophy that context matters in criminal justice and should be considered. Over time, he has conducted studies in Taiwan, China, Pacific Islands, South Korea, Latin America, the U.S., Middle East (Saudi Arabia and Iraq) and Africa.
- Immigration: Dr. Boateng's research in this area advances the immigration scholarship by focusing on addressing questions related to perception of immigrants, the wellbeing of the immigrants, assimilation as well as immigration policy. In addition, he studies the immigration-crime connection that has led to the creation of the “criminal-immigrant” label.
- Victimology: Studying the etiology of victimization, experiences of crime victims, victims’ interactions with the system, and victims’ rights and roles in criminal proceedings. In addition, Dr. Boateng studies issues related to fear of criminal victimization among residents.
Dr. Francis D. Boateng is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice & Legal Studies at the University of Mississippi. Dr. Boateng is a fellow at the Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies, the Africa Institute for Crime, Policy & Governance Research, and a research fellow at the Mississippi Crime and Justice Research Unit. Dr. Boateng received his master’s and Ph.D. from Washington State University, and his research interests include policing, comparative criminology, victimology, immigration, and terrorism.
Dr. Boateng has published several peer-review articles in top criminal justice, criminology, and social science journals, and has co-authored two books on terrorism, national security, and immigration. The latest publication titled “National Security and Policy in America: Immigrants, Crime, and the Securitization of the Border”. He is a member of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) and Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS)

Lashing criminals may be considered cruel and unacceptable in many parts of text (such as the year and name of publisher), and a publication description. The additional publication information area is for a listing of additional publications. Citations should be made in the style appropriate to the researcher’s field. It is recommended that publications are listed in reverse-chronological order unless there is a compelling reason for a different ordering. the world, but in Saudi Arabia for example, it is acceptable and morally justified. In this study, examined hundreds of court cases and files across several court systems in Saudi Arabia, spanning over five years to determine the extent to which justice-involved youth are punished.
- Daniel K. Pryce, Hajed Alotaibi and Francis D. Boateng. (2023). Gendered Criminality and Punishment: Does Gender Influence Juvenile Offending and Punishment in Saudi Arabia? Crime & Delinquency. Lambert, E. G., Boateng, F. D., Liu, J., Tewksbury, R., Zhang, J., & Jiang, S. (2023). Exploring the Effects of Multiple Dimensions of Organizational Justice on Correctional Staff Job Stress. The Prison Journal, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00328855231173271
- Francis D. Boateng, Michael Dzordzormenyoh & Wendall Wallace. (2023). Predictors of Public Support for the Death Penalty in the Americas: A Comparative Analysis. Criminology & Criminal Justice.
- Francis D. Boateng, Nabi Youla Doumbia, Bassey Kooffreh* & Charlotte Omane Kwakye-Nuako. (2023). Relationship between Date Rape Attitudes, Rape Myths and Experiences with Sexual Violence Among Ivorian College Students. Journal of School Violence.
- Boateng, F. D., Pryce, D. K., & Abess, G. (2022). Legitimacy and cooperation with the police: examining empirical relationships using data from Africa. Policing and Society, 32(3), 411-433.
- Kwakye-Nuako, C. O., Boateng, F. D., Tagoe, M. N. K., Ntefuni, D. K., Hammond, P. A., & Amoako, S. K. (2022). Exploration of factors influencing court outcomes in cases involving minors as victims in Ghana. Child Abuse & Neglect, 133, 105853.
- Francis D. Boateng, Michael Dzordzormenyoh & Damara Cavalcante. (2022). Citizens’ Attitudes Toward Legal Authorities in Brazil: Examining the Impact of Crime, Insecurity and Corruption. Journal of Criminology (Formerly Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology).
- Lambert, E. Boateng, D. F., Liu, J., Zhang, J., & Jiang, S. (2022). Exploring the Relationship of Organizational Justice with Chinese Prison Staff Life Satisfaction. Prison Journal. 10.1177/00328855221121113.
- Francis D. Boateng, Daniel Pryce, & Ming-Li Hsieh. (2021). The Criminal Police Officer: Understanding the Etiology of Police Crime in U.S. Crime & Delinquency
- Francis D. Boateng, Ming-Li Hsieh, & Daniel Pryce. (2021). Police Criminality: Nature and Extent of Crimes Committed by Female Police Officers. Police Quarterly.
- Boateng, F. D., Michael K. Dzordzormenyoh, M. K., Adjekum-Boateng, N. S., & Nortey Darko, I. N. (2021): Substance Use among Students: Examining the Effects of Psychological Problems and the Five Dimensions of Personality Traits, Deviant Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2021.1953361.
- Boateng, F. D., & Campbell, C. (2021). Transitioning from Victim to Perpetrator: Testing Direct and Mediation Effects. Journal of Family Issues
- McCann, W. S., & Boateng, F. D. (2021). An Analysis of Hate Crime Victimization Amongst Immigrants. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 1-23.
- McCann, W. S., Zhang, S., & Boateng, F. D. (2021). Immigrants, crime, and the American dream: testing a segmented assimilation theory of crime. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 0306624X21994061.
Courses Taught
- CJ 632 Seminar in Extremism and Terrorism
- CJ 651 Special Topics in Homeland Security
- CJ 630 Seminar Homeland Security
- CJ 641 Transnational Crime
- CJ 652 Comparative CJ Systems and Policy
- CJ 702 Advanced Criminal Justice Statistics
- CJ 601 Criminal Justice Statistics Analysis
- CJ 285 Foundations of Terrorism
- CJ 230 Principles of Investigation
Ph.D. Criminal Justice, Washington State University (2015)