Jason Ritchie

Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Jason E Ritchie

My group seeks to understand how the molecular structure of an ion-conducting polymer affects its electrochemical properties. We are interested in creating and studying new materials that conduct Li+ and H+ cations for potential applications in lithium-ion batteries and proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. We are developing new methods of synthesizing electrolyte materials, and conducting experiments to elucidate the fundamental mechanisms of H+ and Li+ transport in these materials.

Research Interests

Polymer Electrolytes for H+ and OH- Fuel Cells, and Li+ ion batteries


Jason Ritchie is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and the Stefani-Miller Chair for Teaching Excellence at the University of Mississippi, where he has been teaching and doing research for the past 25 years. Dr. Ritchie is an advocate for incorporating active-learning approaches in the STEM classroom, and is a POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) practitioner in his chemistry classes. Dr. Ritchie teaches courses in General Chemistry, Inorganic, and Materials Chemistry, in addition to previously teaching the Honors Freshman Seminar in the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College. Dr. Ritchie is a strong proponent of the value of Undergraduate Research at UM, and has mentored over 40 scientists in his research laboratory. Dr. Ritchie's research focuses on understanding how ions move in polymer electrolytes, especially those with applications in fuel cells and batteries. Jason obtained his B.S. degree in Chemistry at the University of California, San Diego in 1994, where he performed undergraduate research with conducting polymers. He then went on to obtain his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Texas in 1998, where he studied the surface chemistry of high-temperature superconductors. He then went on to post-doc at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill studying electrochemistry in rigid polymers. Dr. Ritchie joined the faculty of the University of Mississippi in the fall of 2000.


B.S. Inorganic Chemistry, University of California-San Diego (1994)

Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin (1998)