Lauren Rowlett

Assistant Dean Student Services

Lauren Rowlett


Dr. Lauren Rowlett is the Manager of Academic Advising with the School of Business Advising Office. She first joined the University of Mississippi in 2014 and then the School of Business in 2019. Dr. Rowlett’s engagement with student services started in 2002 as a Resident Assistant. Since that time, she has worked with student housing, living-learning communities, recruiting, admissions, advising, and teaching.

Dr. Rowlett’s journey has included working at five different universities, including schools in Florida, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Montana. Her passion is to accompany students throughout their college experience and see their growth and success. Current research interests include diversity and inclusion and servant leadership. At the University of Mississippi, Dr. Rowlett has taught EDHE 105 and EDHE 305. She has degrees in music and French from Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL) and the University of Montana (Missoula, MT).


B.A. Music, Florida State University (2004)

MM Music, University of Montana (2006)

DM.A. Music, Florida State University (2011)