Dr. Micah Milinovich is a Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Mississippi.
Research Interests
Dr. Micah Milinovich’s research is in number theory, in particular the theory L-functions and the distribution of the primes.
He is specifically interested in:
- The theory of Riemann zeta-function and other L-functions
- The interplay between Fourier analysis and number theory
- The distribution of the primes
Dr. Milinovich earned his Ph.D. in 2008 from the University of Rochester under the supervision of Professor Steven M. Gonek. His area of expertise is number theory. His current research is supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Simons Foundation. Before attending graduate school, he spent a short time teaching in the New York City public school system in Long Island City, Queens, New York.
Selected Publications:
Carneiro, A. Chirre, and M. B. Milinovich,”Hilbert spaces and low-lying zeros of L-functions,“ Adv. Math., 410 (2022), paper no. 108478.
Carneiro, V. Chandee, A. Chirre, and M. B. Milinovich, “On Montgomery’s Conjecture: a tale of three integrals,” J. Reine Angew. Math.(Crelle’s Journal), 786 (2022), 205-243.
Blomer, P. Humphries, R. Khan, M. B. Milinovich, “Motohashi’s fourth moment identity for non-archimedian test functions and applications,” Compos. Math., 156 (2020), no. 5, 1004-1038.
Carneiro, M. B. Milinovich, K. Soundararajan, “Fourier optimization and prime gaps,” Comment. Math. Helv., 94 (2019), no. 3, 533-568.
R. Booker, M. B. Milinovich, N. Ng, “Subconvexity for modular form L-functions in the t aspect,” Adv. Math., 341 (2019), 299-335.
Carneiro, V. Chandee, F. Littmann, M. B. Milinovich, “Hilbert spaces and the pair correlation of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function,” J. Reine Angew. Math.(Crelle’s Journal), 725 (2017), 143–182.
Courses Taught
- Math 261 Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry I
- Math 263 Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry III
- Math 302 Applied Modern Algebra
- Math 305 Foundations of Mathematics
- Math 319 Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Math 353 Elementary Differential Equations
- Math 459 Introduction to Complex Analysis
- Math 513 Theory of Numbers I
- Math 525 Introduction to Abstract Algebra I
- Math 625 Modern Algebra I
- Math 626 Modern Algebra II
- Math 655 Theory Functions of Complex Variables I
- Math 656 Theory Functions of Complex Variables II
- Math 730 Seminar in Number Theory
B.A. Mathematics, University of Rochester (2001)
M.A. Mathematics, University of Rochester (2002)
Ph.D. Mathematics, University of Rochester (2008)