Maria Filippi

Administrative Assistant

Ms. Maria Filippi is the Administrative Assistant in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Mississippi. She is the Building Mayor for Bondurant Hall.


Ms. Filippi is the Chair's assistant and the Building Mayor for Bondurant Hall. Her wide-ranging responsibilities include:

  • the department budget,
  • event and classes planning,
  • e-forms,
  • travel authorizations and reimbursements,
  • graduate student e-forms and stipends,
  • assisting students with enrolling into 300/400/500/600/700 level courses,
  • requests for payment,
  • liaison to the Registrar's Office, Accounting, Financial Aid, International Programs; Telecommunications,
  • Bondurant classroom issues such as computers, overhead projector problems and HVAC issues, notifications to Facilities Management,
  • and assisting professors and instructors.