Dr. Duke is a Principal Scientist whose research interests include biological activity of natural compounds, mode of action of natural compounds, and mechanisms of resistance to natural compounds.
Research Interests
- Natural products as pesticides with new molecular targets
- Mechanisms of resistance to phytotoxins
- Biological effects of glyphosate
Stephen O. Duke received his Ph.D. in plant science from Duke University in 1975. He was Director of the Southern Weed Science Laboratory of ARS from 1987 until1996 and was Research Leader of the Natural Products Utilization Research Unit in Oxford, Mississippi from 1996-2000. He became a Principal Scientist at the National Center for Natural Products Research of the School of Pharmacy, Univ. Mississippi in 2021. He is best known for his research on herbicide modes of action and natural products for weed management. He has over 500 peer-reviewed publications that have resulted in Web of Science and Google Scholar h-indices of 75 and 108, respectively. He has been editor or co-editor of 11 books and co-author a textbook. He has been President of the Weed Science Society of America, the International Allelopathy Society, and the International Weed Science Society, as well as Chair of the Agrochemical Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS). He is a Fellow of ACS and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Membership in Professional Societies
- Agricultural and Food Division of American Chemical Society
- Agrochemical Division of American Chemical Society
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Chemical Society
- International Allelopathy Society
- International Weed Science Society
- Society for Chemical Industries (UK)
- Southern Weed Science Society
- Weed Science Society of America

Selected Publications
Gonçalves, V.N., C.R. Carvalho, L.B.M. Martins, D.L.C. Barreto, D.L.C. Berreto, B.F. da Sliva, S.C.N. Queiroz, P. Tamang, J. Bajsa-Hirschel, C.L. Cantrell, S.O. Duke, and L.H. Rosa. 2024. Bioactive metabolites produced by fungi present in Anarctic, Arctic and alpine ecosystems. In: Fungi Bioactive Metabolites. Eds. Deshmukh, S.K., S. Takahashi, and J.A. Saxena and Springer, Singapore. pp. 537-563.
Duke, S.O. 2024. Why are there no widely successful microbial bioherbicides for weed management in crops? Pest Manag.Sci. 80:56-64.
Duke, S.O. 2024. Glyphosate metabolism in soil microbes, endophytes, crops, and weeds. In: Herbicide Metabolic Resistance, V.K. Nandula and R. Beffa, Eds., Wiley, In press - Accepted June, 2021.
Duke, S.O., Pan, Z., Bajsa-Hirschel, J., Tamang, P., Hammerschmidt, R., Lorsbach, B., and Sparks, T.C. 2023. Molecular targets of herbicides and fungicides – are there useful overlaps for fungicide discovery? J. Agric. Food Chem.71:20532-20548.
B.S. Biology, Henderson State University (1966)
M.S. Botany, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (1968)
Ph.D. Botany, Duke University (1975)