Dr. Sasa Kocic is an Associate Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Mississippi.
Research Interests
Dr. Kocic is an expert in dynamical systems, known for his work concerning renormalization, rigidity and universality in dynamics.
He also has interests in:
- Renormalization and rigidity of circle maps
- Renormalization of vector fields and KAM theory
- Spectral theory of Schroedinger operators over circle maps
Dr. Kocic held postdoctoral positions at IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Technical University of Lisbon, and University of Toronto. He also held Marie Curie Fellowship and his work is currently supported by an NSF grant.
Jitomirskaya, S. Kocic, Spectral theory of Schrödinger operators over circle diffeomorphisms, Int. Math. Res. Not. rnaa362 (2021).
Koch, S. Kocic, Renormalization and universality of the Hofstadter spectrum, Nonlinearity 33 9 (2020), 4381-4389.
Khanin, S. Kocic, E. Mazzeo, C^1-rigidity of circle diffeomorphisms with breaks for almost all rotation numbers, Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. Super. 50 5 (2017), 1163-1203.
Kocic, Generic rigidity for circle diffeomorphisms with breaks, Commun. Math. Phys. 344 (2016), 427-445.
Khanin, S. Kocic, Renormalization conjecture and rigidity theory for circle diffeomorphisms with breaks, Geom. Funct. Anal. 24 6 (2014), 2002-2028.
Koch and S. Kocic, A renormalization group approach to quasiperiodic motion with Brjuno frequencies, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 30 (2010), 1131-1146.
S. Kocic, Renormalization of Hamiltonians for Diophantine frequency vectors and KAM tori, Nonlinearity 18 (2005), 1-32.
Courses Taught
- Math 264 Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV
- Math 353 Elementary Differential Equations
- Math 454 Intermediate Differential Equations
- Math 564 Introduction to Dynamical Systems I
- Math 565 Introduction to Dynamical Systems II
- Math 664 Topics in Dynamical Systems
Ph.D. Physics, University of Texas at Austin (2006)