Xin Dang

Professor of Mathematics

Xin Dang

Dr. Xin Dang is a professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Mississippi.

Research Interests

Dr. Xin Dang’s research focuses on data mining and robust statistics methodology.

She is specifically interested in:

  • Robust statistics; outlier identification and robust statistical computing
  • Data mining; classification and clustering analysis
  • Correlation and dependence
  • High dimensional statistical analysis


Selected Publications:
Dang, X., Nguyen, D., Chen, Y. and Zhang, J. (2021). A New Gini Correlation between Quantitative and Qualitative Variables.  Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 48 (4), 1314-1343.

Zhang, S., Dang, X., Nguyen, D., Wilkins, D. and Chen. Y. (2021). Estimating Feature - Label Dependence using Gini Distance Statistics. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 43 (6), 1947-1963.

Vanderford, C., Sang, Y. and Dang, X. (2020). Two Symmetric and Computationally Efficient Gini Correlations. Dependence Modeling, 8, 373-395.

Sang, Y., Dang, X. and Zhao, Y. (2020). Weighted Jackknife Empirical Likelihood for Non-smooth U-structure Equations, Test}, 29, 573-598.

Dang, X., Sang, H. and Weatherall, L. (2019). Gini Covariance Matrix and its Affine Equivariance Version. Statistical Papers, 60 (3), 291-316. 

Xiao, Z., Luo, Z., Zhong, B. and Dang, X. (2018). Robust and Efficient Boosting Method Using the Conditional Risk. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29 (7), 3069-3083.

Sang, Y., Dang, X. and Sang, H. (2016). Symmetric Gini Covariance and Correlation. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 44 (3), 323-342.

Yu, K., Dang, X. and Chen, Y. (2015). Robust Model-based Learning via Spatial-EM Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27(6), 1670-1682.

Zhou, W. and Dang, X. (2010). Projection Based Scatter Depth Functions and Associated Scatter Estimators. Journal of Multivariate Analysis,101(1), 138-153.

Dang, X., Keeton, S. and Peng, H. (2009). A Unified Approach for Analyzing Exchangeable Binary Data with Applications to Developmental Toxicity Studies.  Statistics in Medicine, 28, 2580-2604.

Courses Taught

  • Math 115 Elementary Statistics
  • Math 262 Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry II
  • Math 263 Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry III
  • Math 375 Introduction to Statistics I
  • Math 480 Introduction to Actuarial Science
  • Math 575 Mathematical Statistics I
  • Math 576 Mathematical Statistics II
  • Math 775 Advanced Statistics I
  • Math 776 Advanced Statistics II


B.S. Applied Math, Chongqing University (1991)

M.S. Natural Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas (2003)

Ph.D. Statistics, University of Texas at Dallas (2005)