Alexander Yakovlev

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Alexander Borisovitch Yakovlev

Professor of Electrical Engineering for 25 years in the ECE department at the University of Mississippi. He has contributed to more than 250 peer-refereed professional journal and conference papers, co-authored a book on Operator Theory in Electromagnetics published by Springer-Verlag in 2002, worked on funded projects sponsored by NSF, NASA, and Army Research Office, taught students at undergraduate and graduate levels in various areas of Electrical Engineering, received research and teaching awards within the School of Engineering at the University of Mississippi.

Research Interests

  • Electromagnetic Interaction with metamaterials, metasurfaces, 2D materials
  • cloaking of antennas and antenna arrays
  • cloaking of cylindrical objects at microwave and terahertz frequencies
  • enhanced transmission with graphene dielectric structures


Alexander B. Yakovlev received the Ph.D. degree in Radiophysics from the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine, in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, in 1997. From 1992 to 1994, he was an Assistant Professor with the Department of Radiophysics at Dniepropetrovsk State University, Ukraine. From 1994 to 1997, while working toward his doctorate degree, he was employed as a Research and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. From 1997 to 1998, he was an R&D Engineer in Ansoft Corporation/Compact Software Division, Paterson, NJ, and in Ansoft Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA. From 1998 to 2000, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. In summer of 2000, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Mississippi as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2004. Since July 2013 he is a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering at the same university.

His research interests include mathematical methods in applied electromagnetics, homogenization theory, artificial magnetic conductor surfaces for antenna applications, electromagnetic band-gap structures, metamaterial structures, wire media, graphene, cloaking, high-frequency interconnection structures and amplifier arrays for spatial and quasi-optical power combining, microstrip and waveguide discontinuities, integrated-circuit elements and devices, theory of leaky waves, transient fields in layered media, catastrophe and bifurcation theories.

Dr. Yakovlev received the Young Scientist Award at the 1992 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Sydney, Australia, and the Young Scientist Award at the 1996 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Chiba, Japan. In 2003 he received a Junior Faculty Research Award, in 2017 a Faculty Teaching Award, and in 2018 a Senior Faculty Research Award in the School of Engineering at The University of Mississippi. From 2003 to 2006 Dr. Yakovlev was an Associate Editor-in-Chief of the ACES Journal and from 2005 to 2008 was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. From 2017 to 2023 he was a Senior Associate Editor of the IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. Since 2019 he is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE (Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and Antennas and Propagation Society) and Member of URSI Commission B. He is a coauthor of the book Operator Theory for Electromagnetics: An Introduction, Springer, New York, NY, 2002.


M.S. Physics, Dniepropetrovsk State University (1986)

Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronic (1992)

Ph.D. Engineering Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (1997)