Zulfiqar Ali

Principal Scientist

Zulfiqar Ali

Primary research focuses on the isolation and structure elucidation of natural products of therapeutical/analytical interests and preparation/analyses of herbal extracts, concentrated fractions, and essential oils

Research Interests

  • Natural Products Discovery and Development
  • Chemical Profiling of Herbal/Dietary Products
  • Peptide/Non-Essential Amino Acids Sighting
  • Isolation and Characterization of Natural Products


Zulfiqar Ali is a natural products scientist with over 20 years of research expertise in natural products research. He obtained a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry in 2000 from H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Pakistan. He was awarded a prestigious STA postdoctoral scholarship to work as an STA fellow at Gifu Pharmaceutical University, Japan, in 2000. He joined NCNPR at The University of Mississippi in 2004 as a postdoctoral research associate, where he is currently working as a Principal Scientist. His primary research focuses on the isolation and structure elucidation of natural products of therapeutical/analytical interests and preparation/analyses of herbal extracts, concentrated fractions, and essential oils (gram to large-scale). Dr. Ali has authored or co-authored over 300 original research and review articles and a few chapters in books.


F. Zulfiqar, P. Pandey, Z. Ali, Y.-H. Wang, A.M. Viljoen, A.G. Chittiboyina, I.A. Khan, Catechin, taxifolin, and proanthocyanidin derivatives from Entada elephantina rhizome and their antimicrobial activity assessment, Fitoterapia (2025) 106417.

I. Husain, B. Abdulrahman, O.R. Dale, K. Katragunta, M. Idrisi, B.J. Gurley, Z. Ali, B. Avula, A.G. Chittiboyina, I.A. Khan, Interaction of Phyllanthus amarus extract and its lignans with human xenobiotic receptors, drug metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 339 (2025) 119142.

M. Wang, J. Lee, J. Zhao, S. Chatterjee, A.G. Chittiboyina, Z. Ali, I.A. Khan, Comprehensive quality assessment of peppermint oils and commercial products: An integrated approach involving conventional and chiral GC/MS coupled with chemometrics, Journal of Chromatography B 1232 (2024) 123953.

P. Pandey, M. Idrisi, Z. Ali, I. Husain, W.M. Neal, S.I. Khan, D. Ferreira, A.G. Chittiboyina, I.A. Khan, iso-Guttiferone J and Structure Revision of Guttiferone J from Garcinia gummi-gutta: A Combined Experimental and Integrated QM/NMR Approach, Planta Medica 90(07/08) (2024) 631-640.

F. Aydoğan, P. Pandey, F.R. Fronczek, D. Ferreira, I.A. Khan, Z. Ali, A.G. Chittiboyina, Revisiting the Cyclocephagenols via Astragalus condensatus: Structural Insights and Configurational Revision, Journal of Natural Products (2024)


Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Karachi (2000)