Mississippi Principal Corps, Ed.S., M.Ed.
Designed to transform classroom teachers into K-12 leaders who guide children, teachers, and schools to success.

About the Mississippi Principal Corps
The University of Mississippi’s Principal Corps is a comprehensive training program designed to transform classroom teachers into K-12 leaders who guide children, teachers, and schools to success.
- Founded in 2009 with a $2 million planning grant from the Jim and Donna Barksdale Foundation, our faculty consulted top educational leaders from around the nation to design a unique curriculum that sets a national standard for principal preparation.
- In 2012, after four years of outstanding outcomes, the Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation became the newest major supporter of the program with a gift of more than $1.4 million.
Upon successful completion of the program, Principal Corps graduates receive either a Master of Education (M.Ed.) or Specialist in Education (Ed.S.) degree in educational leadership from UM.
Enriching Mississippi Principal Corps Students Through Support and Mentorship
Learn how the Mississippi Principal Corps can help you make a lasting difference in your school and community.
Full Scholarships for all Principal Corps Students
Admitted Principal Corps recruits receive full funding for tuition, books, fees, summer housing, and a living stipend while at UM.
- Additionally, based on a cooperative agreement with your school district, most recruits can maintain their current salary and benefits during the academic year.
Each graduate makes a five-year commitment to stay in Mississippi after graduation.
Building the Future: Principal Corp and District Support
We encourage principals and superintendents throughout the state to identify outstanding educators and nominate them for the Principal Corps.
- Partner districts often retain a teacher as an intern principal for one semester while receiving another candidate from another district the next semester.
- In most cases, recruits’ home school districts continue to support intern principals during the year.
Thanks to special funding from the Mississippi Department of Education and the Hearin Foundation, the Principal Corps program will provide the sponsoring district funds that are 75% of the salary for a teacher with a Class A license and at least five years of experience. This amount can be used to hire teachers to replace Principal Corps candidates while they are serving as full-time interns.
On this Page…
Program Information
Program Type
Specialist Program
Master's Program
Area of Study
13 months
Ed.S. in Educational Leadership
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership
Program Location
Required Credit Hours
Mississippi Principal Corps Requirements
The Principal Corps requires the following courses for a total of 30 credit hours.
Courses and Example Timeline (30 total credits)
Year 1
- EDLD 610: Mission, Vision, & Core Values of Leadership
- EDLD 614: Community & External Leadership
- EDLD 613: Instructional Leadership
- EDLD 617: School Law & Leadership
- EDLD 611: Ethics & Professional Norms for Educational Leaders
- EDLD 616: Data Informed Leadership
- EDLD 618: Operations & Management of Leadership
- EDLD 612: Equity & Cultural Leadership
Year 2
- EDLD 619: School Turnaround
- EDLD 615: Building Level Human Resources Leadership
Upon successful completion of the program, Principal Corps graduates receive either a Master of Education (M.Ed.) or Specialist in Education (Ed.S.) degree in educational leadership from UM.
Other Academic Requirements
At least 400 internship hours are embedded into the coursework and will be completed under the mentorship of an Instructional Leader Mentor.
Minimum Qualifications for Consideration
To apply to the Principal Corps, candidates must have:
- A competitive GRE score that is less than five years old.
- A current resume emphasizing any leadership activities.
- Endorsement from the current district superintendent.
- Your superintendent will need to send that letter of support to principalcorps@olemiss.edu
- 3 years (prior to the start of the program) of K-12 teaching experience.
- 3 letters of reference with evidence of leadership potential.
- A successful admissions interview with program faculty.
Application Process
Step 1
To apply to the Principal Corps, please complete the Principal Corps Application online.
The Principal Corps application consists of:
- Three required essays:
- Each essay should be typed, double-spaced, and meet the page requirement of 2-4 pages.
- Essay #1 - Describe how your effectiveness as a classroom teacher (school counselor, media specialist, etc.) and as a leader in your school is indicative of your leadership capacity.
- Essay #2 - Describe how you use student assessment data and other types of relevant data to improve your instructional practice. As a principal, how would you use data-based decision-making to improve instructional practice in your school?
- Essay #3 - Describe what you see as the greatest educational leadership challenge in Mississippi and how you would use your leadership strengths to address the challenge as it relates to your school.
- Each essay should be typed, double-spaced, and meet the page requirement of 2-4 pages.
- Undergraduate and graduate educational background
- Work History
- An involvement and activities section
- Three references
- Each reference should email a letter of support which addresses three specific areas:
- 1. Your current leadership roles in the school and community
- 2. Your ability to communicate well with others
- 3. Your potential to serve as a principal leader
- Those providing your Letters of Reference should email the letter directly to principalcorps@olemiss.edu.
- Each reference should email a letter of support which addresses three specific areas:
Step 2
Complete an application to The University of Mississippi Graduate School (for either the M.Ed. or the Ed.S. in Educational Leadership).
Note: Your application to the Principal Corps is separate from (and in addition to) your Graduate Admissions application. After you submit your Principal Corps application, please complete an application to The University of Mississippi Graduate School (for either the M.Ed. or the Ed.S. in Educational Leadership).
- Please make sure to complete your application to The University of Mississippi Graduate School for either the M.Ed. or the Ed.S. in Educational Leadership:
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership: Select this option if you do not have a master’s degree.
- Ed.S. in Educational Leadership: Select this option if you already have a master’s degree in any discipline.
Step 3
Submit GRE scores (less than 5 years) to the Graduate School.
To properly complete the application process for Principal Corps admission, students must submit all application materials before the deadline for summer admission:
- Priority application deadline: February 1
Join the Mississippi Principal Corps
There are two ways to join the Mississippi Principal Corps:
- A principal or superintendent can nominate leaders in their school or district, OR
- You can apply on your own with the endorsement of your current district superintendent
Either way, the Mississippi Principal Corps is dedicated to creating great leaders in school and school districts across the state.
Mississippi Principal Corps by the numbers
Mississippi school districts work with Principal Corps graduates.
Mississippi school districts employ two or more Principal Corps graduates.
Mississippi school districts employ 4 or more Principal Corps graduates.
of all Principal Corps graduates currently work as Principals, Assistant Principals, and Central Office Administrators in Mississippi schools.
Mississippi Principal Corps graduates.
Full circle: from Alumnus to the Director of the Principal Corps
As a proud alumnus of the Mississippi Principal Corps (Cohort 5), I experienced firsthand the rigorous and enriching training and I can personally attest to the excellence of this program. Principal Corps is committed to empowering educators to guide children, teachers, and schools toward remarkable success. Whether you're here for guidance, support, or collaboration, I am here to help you navigate your journey in education.
Braxton Stowe
Director of Mississippi Principal Corps and Clinical Assistant Professor of Leadership and Counselor Education
Success with the Principal Corps
The Principal Corps changes lives. Not only the lives of our teachers but the lives of the students in the districts they eventually serve.
In the past five years, our program has produced dynamic new instructional leaders. Each year, more Mississippi school districts are hiring Principal Corps graduates.
Among our 170 alumni are:
- 4 Superintendents
- 4 Deputy/Assistant Superintendents
- 39 Principals
- 55 Assistant Principals
- 24 Central Office Administrators
- 9 Teachers/Counselors
- 5 Higher Ed/mDE
- 34 Other
Hear from our graduates
Learn firsthand how the Principal Corps can help you become a leader.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. The GRE is a requirement for admission to the Principal Corps.
No. The Principal Corps is a full-time graduate program that consists of a full-time administrative internship placement. This placement is typically outside a candidate’s current school district, which means you would not continue teaching; rather, you would be placed in another school to work with and learn from a proven building administrator.
- We work with the candidate’s school superintendent to determine an appropriate placement.
- We also consider geographical location and family situation of the candidate when making placements.
Due to the structure of the program, it is vital that the superintendent support the candidate’s application to the program. Once someone is selected from a district, a process is initiated to secure grant funds to cover the cost of a replacement teacher while you are completing your internship.
If your superintendent supports your candidacy in the program, you will continue to receive your current salary and benefits.
The Principal Corps is a 13-month program consisting of 30 credit hours (including online and face-to-face classes).
- Each new Principal Corps Cohort begins the first week in June with all candidates reporting to the UM campus. Candidates participate in a 6 hours of coursework and attend several workshops during the month of June.
- Candidates receive their internship placements in June, and they report to their assigned schools in July.
- During the fall and spring semesters, candidates take nine hours of coursework each semester while completing the internship.
- Summer I – 6 hours of coursework and workshops beginning the first week in June on the UM campus.
- Fall – 9 hours of coursework.
- Spring– 9 hours of coursework.
- Summer II – 6 hour coursework beginning the first week in June on the UM campus.
- Internship – 6 hours course credit.
No. All summer and monthly lodging arrangements are made in advance and covered by the Principal Corps scholarship.
Superintendents and school boards participating in the Principal Corps Program enjoy the following opportunities:
- Select the next generation of school leaders
- Have the selected candidates participate in and complete a program based on the most current and clearly defined research practices in the country
- Have the selected candidates return to your district with a strong knowledge base and experiences focused on instructional leadership; data analysis and interpretation; and specific content knowledge in the areas of literacy, numeracy, and students with disabilities
- Have the selected candidates enter into the position of assistant principal or principal having a full year of internship experience under a master principal
Principal Corps candidates benefit from a:
- Highly competitive experience-based program that reflects the current research in the areas of leadership; instructional leadership; data analysis and interpretation; with an emphasis on literacy, numeracy, and students with disabilities.
- Cohort based program and benefit from the interaction with your current Principal Corps cohort and other Principal Corps members already working in leadership positions.
- Full-year internship, one semester in an elementary school and one semester in a secondary school, under the guidance of a master principal and a university mentor.
- Scholarship covering the cost of all tuition, textbooks and housing along with a food stipend for each term.
Next Steps
Explore Affordability
We have a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to help make college more affordable for you and your family.
Apply to the University of Mississippi
Are you ready to take the next step toward building your legacy?