Statement of Purpose Instructions

Guidelines to complete the "Statement of Purpose" for the Master of Social Work program application.

Statement of Purpose Instructions for the Master of Social Work

Please prepare a 900-1200 word statement that addresses the following questions:

  1. What is your understanding of social work? Please include your understanding of social justice and how it is relevant to social work.
  2. How did your interest in social work develop (personal, volunteer, and professional experiences or relationships that have influenced your interest in this profession)?
  3. What are your career goals?
  4. What factors impacted your decision to seek an MSW degree? Why here at UM?
  5. How will you deal with the pressures and time requirements of graduate-level study?
  6. If there are deficiencies (GPA below 3.0, failed courses, etc.) in your academic record, please address let us know how you will avoid these in graduate school.