Employee Guide for Reporting Sexual Harassment, Interpersonal Violence, or Sexual Misconduct

Learn why reporting is important and how to interact with students.

Why Is Reporting Important?

The University requires its employees to report instances of sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or interpersonal violence that they learn about to the Title IX Coordinator.

  • These reporting methods serve to keep the University community safe and our institution compliant under Title IX, University policy, and state and federal law.

Under Title IX, we have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for members of the University community that does not interfere with their ability to pursue an education or participate in a University activity.


How to Interact with Students Reporting Sexual Harassment, Interpersonal Violence, or Sexual Misconduct

Learn best practices when speaking with students.

First, inform the student that you are required to report instances of sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, interpersonal violence, or sexual misconduct.

You are not a counselor or an investigator. You are there to offer support and listen to the student.
  • Make sure to connect students to other resources that will be able to serve their specific needs.

Remember: If a student discloses information about sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, interpersonal violence, or sexual misconduct, then you are required to report the instance to the Interim Title IX Coordinator, Marissa Watson.

The importance of confidentiality

After you fulfill your obligation as a University reporter, keep the student’s information confidential. Do not share unnecessary details if you must inform a supervisor.

When talking to students it's important to keep their needs and feelings in the front of your mind. 

Make sure that you:

  • Respectfully listen to what the student tells you.
  • Let the student know that you care.
  • Acknowledge nonverbal expressions, when appropriate.
    • Example: If anger flashes across your face, then let the student know that you are not angry at her or him, but rather you are angry that someone would choose to harm that student.
  • Do not define the student’s experiences for her or him.
    • Example: If a student does not outright say she or he was sexually assaulted, then do not tell her or him that you think it is sexual assault.
  • Use words the student chooses to use.
    • Example: If a student says, “I was taken advantage of,” then use those words instead of “rape” or “assault.”
  • Validate that what happened to the student was not OK, if and when appropriate.
    • Example: Say something like, “I am sorry that person harmed you.”

Offer forms of support that are within your role.
  • Example: If you are a faculty member, then you should not try to act as a counselor, but rather extend assignment deadlines for the student.
  • Example: If you supervise the student, then try to work with his or her schedule as needed.

Even after a student gives you information that you must report, refer them to the University Counseling Center or the Office of Confidential Advocacy, Support, and Education (CASE) advocate for additional support.