Political Science Internships

Washington InternshipInternships are a crucial component of the undergraduate experience and preparation for a competitive job market upon graduation. The Department of Political Science strongly encourages students to take advantage of our broad selection of internship opportunities in the following areas:

  • Government and Politics
  • Law
  • UM Research and Teaching
Sue Ann Skipworth

Finding an Internship

Ultimately, it is up to the individual student to take the initiative to seek out and acquire an internship. However, as the Political Science Internship Coordinator, I can assist students in determining which internship track is best suited for their future career goals and provide information on employers who frequently offer internships. Students can also apply to the Internship Experience program through the Division of Outreach, which helps students locate an internship and logistical matters associated with travel and housing. The Career Center also compiles information about internship openings, and is available to help guide you through the application process.

Sue Ann Skipworth

Instructional Associate Professor of Political Science and Assistant Chair

Where our students have interned


Center for American Progress

Mississippi House of Representatives

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute

North Mississippi Rural Legal Services

Cornerstone Government Affairs

Republican National Committee

Embassy of Jordan

Tennessee District Attorney

Fundraising, Inc.

U.S. Department of State, Bureau for Near Eastern Affairs

Gamble & Schlemeier, Missouri Lobbying Firm

U.S. House of Representatives

G.S. Proctor & Associates

U.S. Senate

Illinois House of Representatives

U.S. Senate Commerce Committee


Mississippi State Capitol"Being part of the internship experience at Ole Miss has greatly enhanced my learning. The law has a multitude of facets, which opened my eyes to the world; it creates a more enriched learning journey." Madison Patterson, interned for Jarvis and Hamilton law firm

"I've learned so much about how the government works and how bills are passed. I’ve been present at historic moments such as the equal pay bill, the CRT bill, and even the foster care bill. As a Mississippian, it’s amazing to see these things first hand." Jada Barnes, interned with the Mississippi House of Representatives

"I am very thankful to have this internship, especially meeting so many people. The networking opportunity has been like none other." Steven Young, interned with the Mississippi House of Representatives

Internship FAQs

Internships are opportunities for students to gain work experience within a desired career field for a specified timeframe.
Internships promote critical thinking, skill development, and professional growth. Specifically, internships provide students benefits such as:
  • Bridging the gap between classroom learning and the real world.
  • Gaining practical experience in a professional environment.
  • Acquiring knowledge and understanding of various elements within political science (political institutions, campaigns/elections, law, political behavior, research, policy, etc.).
  • Building and expanding social and professional networks.
  • Becoming more confident about a career path and pursuing that career.
Yes, students can earn course credit for internships through the Internship in Government (POL 389) course depending on the amount of total expected work hours as outlined below:

Credit Hours

Total Work Hours













 Students interested in earning course credit must contact the Political Science Internship Coordinator once the internship has been secured and submit a completed learning contract before the beginning of the academic term to ensure placement in POL 389.

POL 389, Internship in Government, is a Z graded (pass/fail) course. Students grades are based on the written assignments completed throughout the term for the course.
Internships can be paid, which offers students some financial assistance in offsetting living expenses while interning. For those who have unpaid internships there are scholarship opportunities available through the Political Science Department and through UM Outreach Department.
image of Edward Hunter standing in front of US Capitol Building

Washington Internship

"Grateful is the word I think of when looking back on my internship experience. This opportunity to intern in the U.S. House of Representatives has been so rewarding; I have learned a lot about the legislative process and made meaningful connections. A remarkable part of this journey is that it allowed me to improve my critical-thinking and communication skills. Now, I plan to use what I have learned to help my community thrive."

Edward Hunter

Interned with Congressman Trent Kelly