Undergraduate Programs in Political Science

Become equipped for a wide variety of careers.

Congressman Trent Kelly seated at a table and talking with a class of students

"Incredible experience that you won’t be able to get anywhere else. Rep. Kelly was very engaging and excited to be there with us." POL 398: Special Topics course taught by Congressman Trent Kelly

Earn a Degree in an Exciting and Dynamic Field

Political science is the study of political institutions and political behavior at the local, state, national, and international levels. Students of political science will develop critical thinking, writing, and oral communication skills that can be applied across a wide range of careers.

The Department of Political Science in the College of Liberal Arts offers the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelors of Science (B.S.) in Political Science. To compare the degree programs: 

  1. they have different general education foundations;
  2. the B.A. degree requires a minor field of study;
  3. the B.S. degree requires more political science courses; and
  4. the B.S. degree is a more technical and quantitative degree.  

Emphasis Areas

Students have considerable flexibility in their course selection so they can tailor their major to best fit their current needs and future goals. Majors in both degree programs can choose from four optional emphases: 

  • Campaigns and Elections
  • Law and Courts
  • International Conflict and Cooperation
  • Politics of Developing Countries

Career and Professional School Preparation

We work alongside our students and provide opportunities for them to excel and thrive in our program from the point of admission to graduation while also preparing them to be competitive candidates for graduate/professional programs or to directly enter the workforce.

Students may pursue the accelerated master's program, where they earn the undergraduate and master's degree in 5 years instead of 6, saving time and money. 

Others may also pursue the accelerated law program, where they earn the undergraduate and law degrees in 6 years instead of 7 years. 

Earn Your Degree in Political Science

See the information below on the two degrees, emphasis areas, and minor. 
Sue Ann Skipworth

Undergraduate Program Director

“It is my desire to help our students chart a course towards a successful academic experience and prepare them for a bright future after graduation. I invite current students, prospective students, parents, and others that are interested in our program to reach out to me.”

Sue Ann Skipworth

Instructional Associate Professor of Political Science and Assistant Chair

  • image of Supreme Court building

    Featured Political Science Courses

    See a few examples of courses across the subfields of American Politics, Comparative Politics, and International Politics.

    Featured Courses
  • image of students talking and smiling around a conference table

    Accelerated Master's Program (4+1)

    The Department of Political Science offers students with excellent academic records the opportunity to apply for admission to an accelerated five-year B.A./M.A. or B.S./M.A. degree program combinations (4+1). Admitted students complete graduate-level POL courses in their senior year, which count towards both undergraduate and graduate degrees in an accelerated master's program.

    Accelerated Master's Program
  • image of statue of justice holding scales

    Accelerated Law Program (3+3)

    In a partnership with the UM School of Law, students admitted to the Accelerated Law Program may earn baccalaureate and law degrees in 6 years instead of 7 by using first year law school courses to complete their undergraduate degree. They start law school during their senior year.

    Accelerated Law (3+3)
  • image of several students in a class, with one holding up her hand

    Political Science Scholarships

    Political science alumni and friends have given funding to support scholarships dedicated to students in the Department of Political Science. Visit our website to see these and other scholarship opportunities, including those to support internships and travel courses.

    Resources & Scholarships
  • image of an alum talking with a student

    Careers and Alumni

    See the top economic sectors for the employers of our political science undergraduate alumni. Meet a few alumni and how they view the value of their major in today's world.

    Political Science Careers and Alumni

Political Science Departmental Distinction Certificate

The Departmental Distinction Certificate program is designed to challenge and recognize excellent political science students both for their academic and academic-related work. Students who have met all program requirements will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the semester for which the student is graduating. 

Program Requirements  

  • Sam Williams Dept DistinctionPolitical science major
  • Upon graduation have a 3.2 overall GPA
  • Pi Sigma Alpha member
  • Complete one of the following:
    • Internship experience (POL 389)
    • Mock Trial (POL 492)
    • Study Abroad or Study USA course in Political Science
    • Model Legislature simulation course (POL 399)
    • Approved extracurricular political science related activity
  • Complete one of the following courses:
    • POL 401: Senior Seminar in American Politics
    • POL 421: Senior Seminar in Comparative Politics
    • POL 431: Senior Seminar in International Politics
    • POL 490/491: Directed Readings in Political Science (Honors Thesis)

Choose Your Minor (or Double Major)

Bachelor of Arts students must choose a minor (or double major). Bachelor of Science students can have an optional minor. Combine your study of political science with many other subjects based on your interests and career goals.  

Beyond the Classroom

politician shaking the hands with students in her office

Study USA

There are three intersession (2-week) terms during the academic year that provide a convenient opportunity for faculty to offer travel courses through Study USA. Washington DC is a common destination for such political science offerings as:

Applied Politics
Campaigns and Elections
Minority Politics
Politics of Inequality
Political Media
Politics of Money

The College of Liberal Arts has scholarship funds to help students better afford these extraordinary learning opportunities. 

image of a group of students standing in front of a United Nations building in Europe

Study Abroad

Earn credit for general education, major, or minor requirements by enrolling at a partner university or study abroad organization for as few as two weeks or as long as an academic year. Even better, travel with a CLA professor during a 2-week term. Generous donors help many CLA students participate in these faculty-led programs. Courses that may be of interest to political science students include:

Comparing Democracy in Athens, Greece
International Org. & Security Politics
in Switzerland and Austria

Psychology of Terrorism and Extremism in Ireland

image of Washington DC at night with major monuments lit up


According to surveys of employers, internships are the #1 desired experience on college resumes. Employers want to know that you have experienced the professional world and have solidified your career goals through interactions in a related work place.  

More About Internships
image of a student and alumnus standing and talking together

Pi Sigma Alpha

Pi Sigma Alpha is the national political science honorary society for students who have at least 10 hours in political science, of which at least 3 hours must be at the 300 level or above. In addition, they must have at least a 3.0 GPA in political science. The chapter acts as a service and honorary organization for students. Students who meet the requirements are encouraged to join and become better acquainted with other students, their professors, and alumni. 

For more information:
Dr. Sue Ann Skipworth, Assistant Chair
138 Deupree | 662-915-5407

image of Mock Trial Team three members in a courtroom setting gesturing and talking to the witness stand.

Mock Trial Team

Mock Trail is an iintercollegiate competition to develop and improve critical thinking and speaking skills in a courtroom setting. The UM team regularly wins at competitions and has members who receive individual awards such as outstanding attorney. One recent year they earned the coveted Spirit of the American Mock Trial Association award given to the team that best exemplifies the ideals of honesty, civility, and fair play. They excel at competitions that require stamina, flexibility, nimbleness and speed to think on their feet, and learning to see all sides of a problem.