
Classics, B.A.

Gain historical and cultural awareness in a multicultural world.

Molly Pasco-Pranger discusses ancient art while a group of students looks on.

“When I started taking Latin at UM, I was welcomed into the Classics department by professors who love to teach and love the subject. Latin 101 rekindled my love for Classics and I just couldn’t let it go.”

Annabelle Harris (B.A. in Classics and English '23)

UM College of Liberal Arts Recruitment Coordinator

Bachelor of Arts in Classics

The Department of Classics in the College of Liberal Arts offers the B.A. in Classics. Classics majors gain a complex view of the ancient Mediterranean world and explore their own world as they do so.

Classics majors

  • address questions of human and historical significance through the works of the Greeks and Romans;
  • understand the modern cultural world by recognizing its roots in the past;
  • know their own language better by learning Greek or Latin;
  • explore the world through study abroad; and 
  • strengthen their ability to read, communicate, observe, and think analytically.

Classics majors at UM work with the 2,000 objects in the David M. Robinson Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities housed in the University Museum. Students can receive financial support for study abroad - archaeological digs, study tours, or whole semesters abroad. Classics majors may also participate in faculty-led study abroad programs like the Ancient Graffiti Project in Pompeii and Herculaneum or Rome: the Eternal City.

Classics majors choose an emphasis area from the following:

  • Classical Civilization,
  • Ancient Greek, or
  • Ancient Latin.  

The Value of a Classics Degree

A classics degree empowers and prepares graduates to deal with complexity and change through a broad knowledge of the world. Classics majors are great candidates for any career field, and have an advantage in gaining admission to medical school, law school, and other graduate programs. They use their skills to explore ancient cultures and languages and then apply that insight to the world around them.

Our classics graduates are prepared to enter into a variety of fields including:

  • education
  • archives
  • cultural affairs
  • foreign service
  • museum curation
  • government
  • business
  • law
  • media/communications
  • library science

On this Page…

    Program Information

    Program Type



    Area of Study



    4 Years


    B.A. in Classics

    Program Location



    Classical Civilization;

    Required Credit Hours


    Classics at Ole Miss

    image of student and faculty member viewing an ancient vase in the museum

    Choose a Major and Minor

    Learn about the major, with emphases in Classical Civilization, Greek, and Latin. Explore the minor in Classics.

    Four students pose for a photo

    Study Abroad

    You will have the opportunity to study abroad on faculty-led programs to Rome to learn about the ancient city or to Pompeii to document ancient graffiti! Summer and semester programs in Rome and Athens are also available through affiliated programs, as are archaeological field schools around the Mediterranean. Generous department scholarships help make these academic adventures possible.

    Study Abroad with Classics

    Video: Get to Know the Department of Classics

    Hear firsthand from students and faculty about the Classics program.

    What can I do with a Classics degree?

    • Chief Judge, Mississippi State Court of Appeals
    • Principal, Museum Concepts
    • Editor, Hyper Nine Media
    • Manager, Lincoln Center Theater
    • Surgery Physician, University of Mississippi Medical Center
    • Web Developer, University of California, Irvine
    • Faculty, Brown University
    • Foreign Affairs Officer, US Department of State
    • Political Consultant, K. Ford & Company
    • Chief Operating Officer, Intelligent Robotics
    • Associate Editor, Travel Weekly
    • Teacher, NW Arkansas Classical Academy

    B.A. in Classics Students

    Learn from current students what it's like to earn a Classics degree at Ole Miss.

    Sydney Lynch

    Sydney Lynch

    Why did you choose to attend UM?

    See Sydney’s Answer
    Miles Thompson

    Miles Thompson

    What would you tell a high school student about Classics?

    See Miles’s Answer
    Maggie Wallace

    Maggie Wallace

    What would you tell a high school student about your major?

    See Maggie’s Answer
    Libby Tyson headshot.

    Why Study Classics at UM?

    “The professors! My relationships with the faculty changed the course of my life. While a student, I enjoyed the close nature of the department. They knew me on a first name basis, and I appreciated the fondness and accountability that closeness brought with it. My courses were challenging but rewarding, and the professors knew how to push me in encouraging ways. The department helped us found an Archaeological Ethics Debate Team and to travel to competitions, which was the deciding factor for my career choice of Museum Studies.”

    Libby Tyson (B.A. in Classics and English '17)

    Assistant House Manager, Washington National Cathedral

    Choosing your Minor or Double Major

    Bachelor of Arts students must choose a minor (or double major). Combine your study of classics with many other subjects based on your interests and career goals.

    Future CLA Students

    image of a group of students studying together in the Union

    College of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Students

    We invite future undergraduates to learn about the College of Liberal Arts, the value of the liberal arts education, our programs, career opportunities, and resources to help you succeed. You can also request a personalized degree sheet. 

    Future CLA Students
    Annabelle Harris

    Welcome to the College of Liberal Arts

    As Coordinator of Student Recruitment for the College of Liberal Arts, I work with students, and their parents, who are interested in attending UM for their undergraduate degrees. I coordinate personalized visits to our departments, answer questions about the majors and programs in the CLA and handle all recruitment communications from the CLA. Please feel free to send me any questions you may have. It is my job to make sure you have everything you need to make an informed decision on where to spend your college career, and I hope it will be with the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Mississippi!

    Annabelle Harris

    Admissions Counselor

    Next Steps

    Explore Affordability

    We have a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to help make college more affordable for you and your family.

    Apply to the University of Mississippi

    Are you ready to take the next step toward building your legacy?