Office of Contractual Services Management


Contractual Services Management is responsible for the operation of, Ole Miss Dining Services, Ole Miss Bookstore, ID Center, Campus Vending, Campus Residence Hall Laundry Facilities, Licensing of University Logos, Digital/Network Video Recording Systems, and Card Access Readers

About the Office of Contractual Services Management

The University of Mississippi is a big university with lots of bells and whistles to give our students the best experience possible. The Office of Contractual Services Management works with outside companies to make sure that happens. 

Need to get a book at the Ole Miss Bookstore? The Office of Contractual Services Management has helped make that happen. Use Ole Miss Express every day on campus? You can thank the Office of Contractual Services Management. 

What companies are contracted to serve our campus?

The Office of Contractual Services Management contracts with a broad network of third-party vendors including:

What else does Contractual Services Management take care of?

Contractual Services Management doesn't just cover third-party contracts. We also maintain:

  • Campus residence hall laundry facilities
  • Licensing university logos
  • Digital/network video recording systems
  • Card access readers
  • ID Center

    The Ole Miss ID Center produces identification cards for UM students, faculty, staff, and community members.

    Learn more about the ID Center
  • Ole Miss Bookstore

    The Ole Miss Bookstore is the one stop shop for students. From the latest textbooks to exclusive university merch, students can find everything they need to succeed in class and show-off your school spirit.

    Explore the Ole Miss Bookstore
  • Ole Miss Express

    The Ole Miss Express ID is a prepaid account tied directly to UM ID cards that students can use all over campus and with any participating locations around town!

    Learn more about Ole Miss ID
  • Ole Miss Flex

    Ole Miss Flex is a way to make sure that our students always have some cash on hand to buy food on campus. Ole Miss Flex dollars are billed directly to a student's bursar account. Flex dollars are restricted to on-campus dining locations and includes vending machines, coffee shops, and convenience stores.

    Get started with Ole Miss Flex
  • Ole Miss Dining

    Ole Miss Dining covers a huge array of food across campus. From the Student Union to the Grill at 1810, Ole Miss Dining has something to suit your taste.

    View everything Ole Miss dining offers
  • My Ole Miss

    My Ole Miss is an online portal for faculty, staff, and students to take care of their documentation

    Learn more about My Ole Miss