Ph.D. in Management

The Ph.D. in Management focuses on macro- and micro-organizational topics in entrepreneurial and established organizations.

Ph.D. in Management Emphasis

The ultimate goal of the program is to produce individuals who will enter into research-focused academic positions and contribute significantly to their fields through novel insight and the production of knowledge.

Coursework during the program includes seminars in strategic management, organizational behavior, human resource management, and organizational theory. Students will also take courses in research methods and statistics to ensure that they have the skills to be successful during the program and in their careers. Many students complete the program in four years, although some students may be awarded funding for a 5th year based on need and availability.

Maria Bailey Berns

Management Doctoral Program Coordinator

Maria earned her Ph.D. from the University of Memphis in 2009, where she majored in Strategic Management.

Maria Bailey Berns

Associate Professor of Management

Learn More

From the first day they arrive on campus, Management Ph.D. students will work closely with faculty members on research projects and will attend regular research colloquiums and developmental activities. In the past, these collaborative projects have led to publications in elite Management journals and fostered the growth of our students into excellent Management scholars.

The management Ph.D. program typically accepts two to three students for each cohort. Prospective students must apply online through the university graduate admissions office to be considered for admission.

Candidates for the management Ph.D. program will be considered and chosen based on their academic performance, research interests, work experience, and desire to be placed in a research-focused university after graduation are important criteria for consideration. Information about current students can be found here.

Admission Information
Application DeadlineDate for priority registration; applications are considered until February 1
Undergraduate DegreeAll accepted
Master’s DegreeNot required, MBA Preferred, all accepted
GPA3.10 for the last 60 hours attempted
GMAT Score550 minimum
GRE ScoreA combined total of 311 on the quantitative and verbal portions and 4.0 on the analytical portion of the test
Letters of Recommendation2 letters of recommendation, preferably from individuals that can attest to the applicant’s success in academics and research
English LanguageMinimum 6.00 IELTS; 90-100 TOEFL-IBT; or 53 PTE-A. Scores must be less than 2 years old.
ProficiencyNon-native English-speaking applicants should consult the Office of International Programs regarding the English proficiency necessary for application.

Students without an MBA may be required to take prerequisite courses in business (accounting, marketing, finance, economics, and management) to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the program.

Students typically complete the core curriculum in two years. Along with core courses, students can take elective courses, allowing them the opportunity to tailor the program to their specific interests and better prepare them for their dissertation research and careers afterward.

Degree Credit Requirements

  1. Complete at least 54 credit hours (3 years) of approved courses beyond the bachelor’s degree, or a minimum of 40 credit hours of approved courses numbered 600 or above, beyond the master’s degree.
  2. Have completed a minimum of 36 hours (2 years) of graduate study at the University of Mississippi.
  3. Have completed a minimum of 18 hours of dissertation credit.

Core Management Curriculum – 12 Hours Required
  • BUS 667: Global Business Strategy
  • MGMT 673: Seminar in Human Resource Management
  • MGMT 676: Seminar in Organizational Behavior
  • MGMT 6979: Theoretical Foundations of Management

Research Methods and Statics – 15 Hours Required
  • BUS 660: Research Methods I
  • BUS 661: Research Methods II
  • BUS 662; PHAD 780; PSY 703; MATH 575: Statistical Methods I
  • BUS 663; PHAD 781; PSY 704; MATH 576: Statistical Methods II
  • BUS 664:Statistical Methods III

Professional Seminar – 4 Hours Required

Dissertation Coursework – 18 Hours Required

Get Know Our Ph.D. Students

Learn about their skills and experiences 

Juan Du

Juan Du

What's your area of study?

See Juan’s Answer
Saeed Fanoodi

Saeed Fanoodi

  • Orientation
  • Student Government

What made you choose Ole Miss?

See Saeed’s Answer
Beatrisa Pucalev

Beatrisa Pucalev

  • Student Government

What advice do you have for people pursing a Ph.D.?

See Beatrisa’s Answer