Mathematics Specialist Conference

An opportunity for K-12 mathematics teacher leaders to collaborate, share, and learn strategies for improving math instruction.

Collaborate with Other Math Leaders

The Center for Mathematics and Science Education is honored to host the annual Mathematics Specialist Conference. As Mathematics Specialists, we have the unique opportunity to impact the lives of both teachers and students across the state.

  • The Mathematics Specialist Conference is a great opportunity for mathematics instructional leaders to come together and share the best practices and offer each other support. 

Our goal is to enrich the lives of mathematics specialists regardless of where they are in their career journey and help meet the mathematics learning needs of students across Mississippi. 

  • Connect with old friends, meet new ones, and learn about the ever-changing world of mathematics!

Register to Attend

Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

We invite you to support attendees in a variety of ways. You may choose as many of the following sponsor opportunities as you would like. The benefits for each are listed below.  An invoice will be prepared based on all selections.

  • Due to limited space, we will not have an exhibit area.
  • Sponsor morning coffee ($500). Morning coffee sponsorship will include vendor information listed in the program as well as logo placement at the coffee station.
  • Sponsor lunch ($1500). Lunch sponsorship will include vendor information listed in the program, placement of materials and logo at individual lunch tables, and up to 15 minutes of speaking time during the lunch session.
  • Sponsor afternoon break ($750). Break sponsorship will include vendor information listed in the program as well as logo placement in the refreshments area.
  • Contribute door prizes. No additional fee is required. 

Be an Event Sponsor

Center for Mathematics and Science Education

The Center for Mathematics and Science works to improve mathematics and science education in Mississippi by fostering interaction between academic and K-12 communities, support the implementation of research-based methods in the classroom, and promote interest in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).