Professional Learning Opportunities with the Center for Math and Science Education
Learn about our professional learning opportunities.
Our Professional Learning Philosophy
Our professional learning philosophy is centered around three ideas - Explore, Analyze, and Engage. Throughout every aspect of work that falls within the CMSE Professional Learning Division we seek to:
- EXPLORE current research and publications related to the teaching and learning of mathematics and science.
- ANALYZE student thinking, reasoning, and misconceptions to improve the strategies we use in the learning environment.
- ENGAGE learners in experiencing mathematics and science content in ways that are meaningful for themselves and their students.
Whether we are working with classroom teachers and administrators or UM students, this philosophy of exploring, analyzing, and engaging adult learners in research-based experiences has shown tremendous impact on the content knowledge and instructional practices of teachers across our state.
Professional Learning Programs & Opportunities
Middle Math Institutes
The CMSE Middle Math Institutes are designed to engage educators in dissecting, understanding, and making connections to the mathematics content taught in grades 6-8. Successful completion of all four institutes will allow Mississippi educators to apply for a Supplemental Endorsement in Middle-Level Mathematics (Endorsement Code – 901).
Middle Math Institutes Information -
Annual Mathematics Specialist Conference
Since 2011, the CMSE has hosted the Mathematics Specialist Conference as an opportunity for K-12 mathematics teacher leaders to come together to share their knowledge and experiences. If you serve your school or district as a math specialist, lead teacher, content coach, or any other instructional leadership role, we invite you to attend the Annual CMSE Mathematics Specialist Conference.
Math Specialist Conference Information -
STEM Teaching with Embedded Primary Sources
Help your students step back in time and explore the history of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through the Library of Congress’ collection of primary sources. In this two-day workshop, participants will learn how to find, evaluate, and use historical primary sources from the Library of Congress in their science, math, or other STEM lesson planning.
STEM Teaching with Embedded Primary Sources Information -
NASA MSSGC Annual Teacher Conference
NASA Mississippi Space Grant Consortium, in partnership with the Center for Mathematics and Science Education (CMSE), hosts the Annual Teachers Conference. Designed for math and science middle school teachers (grades 5-8), it provides opportunities to interact with other professionals in hands-on mathematics and science professional development sessions. This conference is facilitated by NASA Aerospace Education Specialists, MSSGC and CMSE associates, and other professionals.
NASA MSSGC Teacher Conference Information -
On-Site Professional Development
CMSE staff are available to lead professional development sessions at your school or district. Session can be adapted to meet the needs of the school/district. We can also schedule a consultation to discuss your specific professional learning needs and design a professional development plan tailored to you.
On-Site Professional Development Information -
Projects & Partnerships
The Center for Mathematics and Science Education is a grant-funded center working to provide professional development for teachers, STEM experiences for students, and opportunities for all to learn and grow together. The CMSE relies heavily on funded projects and school partnerships to increase participation and provide opportunities for our teachers, students, administrators, and leaders in STEM education.
CMSE Project & Partnership Information -
Graduate Research Opportunities
The CMSE offers competitive graduate assistantships to students pursuing a masters or doctorate in mathematics education, science education, or elementary education and have a passion for teaching and learning. Those who possess a desire to see students succeed and an excitement about teaching mathematics and/or science can be infectious. These are the qualities that the CMSE looks for when recruiting fellows.
Graduate Student Information -
Undergraduate Opportunities
Undergraduate students enrolled at the University of Mississippi are engaged in the work of the CMSE in a variety of ways. Through volunteer opportunities and part-time employment, UM students have made valuable contributions to our mission. We encourage students with an interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to explore the variety of ways to get involved with our programs.
Undergraduate Opportunity Information
Professional Development Session Information
Payments can be made via:
- personal check,
- money order,
- district purchase order, or
- online via debit/credit card.
Checks and money orders should be made payable to "University of Mississippi-CMSE" and mailed to CMSE, PO Box 1848, University, MS 38677.
If you have a digital copy of your purchase order, you will have an opportunity to upload that during the registration process or it can be emailed to
It is the goal of the Professional Development Division within the Center for Mathematics and Science Education (CMSE) at the University of Mississippi to provide high-quality research-based professional training for teachers, administrators, and other school leaders.
- In order to adequately prepare for professional development events, an accurate accounting of the number of participants must be known by the registration deadline.
- Therefore, any registrant who needs to cancel their registration must do so no later than 11:59 pm (CST) on the published registration deadline.
Registrants who cancel before the registration deadline will be eligible to receive a partial refund of registration fees less a 10% processing fee.
- However, registrants who cancel after the registration deadline will not be eligible for a refund of their registration fee. Likewise, if a purchase order is submitted as payment for registration and a registrant cancels after the registration deadline, an invoice will be sent to the originator of the purchase order.
It is the responsibility of the registrant to notify the CMSE of his/her ability to participate in the event. Changes in registration can be made via email to or by calling 662-915-6621.
Effective May 7, 2020.
In attendance at a special program sponsored by the University of Mississippi and hosted by or partnered with The Center for Mathematics and Science Education (CMSE), I hereby grant permission to the rights of my image, likeness, and sound of my voice as recorded on audio or videotape without payment or any other consideration.
- I understand that my image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears.
- Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of my image or recording. I also understand that this material may be used in diverse educational settings within an unrestricted geographic area.
Photographic, audio or video recordings may be used for the following purposes:
- conference presentations
- educational videos
- informational/educational presentations or courses
- websites
- on-line educational courses
- research publications.
By agreeing to this release I understand this permission signifies that photographic or video recordings of me may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in the public educational setting.
- I will be consulted about the use of the photographs or video recording for any purpose other than those listed above.
- There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed.
- This release applies to photographic, audio or video recordings collected as part of the sessions listed on this document only.
By agreeing to this form I acknowledge that I have completely read and fully understand the above release and agree to be bound thereby.
I hereby release any and all claims against any person or organization utilizing this material for educational purposes.
It is the goal of the Professional Development Division within the Center for Mathematics and Science Education (CMSE) at the University of Mississippi to provide high-quality research-based professional training for teachers, administrators, and other school leaders.
- In order to meet the training needs of as many school/district level personnel as possible, workshops and institutes hosted by the CMSE will be limited to registrations by teachers, administrators, and other personnel that are employed by a public or private school or school district only.
- Pre-service teachers may register for workshops, institutes, and conference, if space is available. Educational consultants are welcome to attend conferences hosted by the CMSE.
Questions regarding eligibility to attend CMSE professional development events may be submitted via email to or by phone 662-915-6621. Effective August 1, 2016
Did You Attend a Past Session & Need Help Finding Your CEUs?
The CMSE partners with the North Mississippi Education Consortium to process CEUs for professional learning events.
- Attendees will receive an email from "Mississippi RESAs" with information on how to download their CEU certificate.
Attendees can also access their CEUs by logging into their account through the NMEC website. Detailed instructions can be found here.
Center for Mathematics and Science Education
The Center for Mathematics and Science works to improve mathematics and science education in Mississippi by fostering interaction between academic and K-12 communities, support the implementation of research-based methods in the classroom, and promote interest in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).