For faculty: provide opportunities for existing and future faculty to engage in, collaborate on, and compete for sponsored research projects that advance data science and machine learning methods or apply them to solve problems of importance to society, by giving support in grant writing and data analysis.
For students: provide opportunities for students in existing programs to develop analytics skills through new courses, workshops, summer internships, and faculty-mentored research experiences.
For external connections: provide a unified interface to large and small companies and non-governmental organizations looking to engage data science experts in the ethical use of data to create new enterprise, solve business problems, and improve society.
Fostering interdisciplinary research and education in multidisciplinary grand-challenge areas;
Strengthening and expanding the University network by enhancing relationships with world-class researchers and establishing links and creative partnerships with industry leaders, community, and government stakeholders;
Supporting current graduate and undergraduate degree offerings involving data science and analytical skills.
You’re welcome to partner with us! Please contact ids@olemiss.edu for more details.
Please fill out this form if you want to tell us more about yourself.
See our recommended data science resouces, both free and paid.
Free software
R: good for statistical modeling and bioinformatics analysis. Rstudio is a premium IDE for R and home for R Shiny web applications. Find Cheatsheets for R here.
Python: good for machine learning.Deep learning packages include Pytorch, Tensorflow and Keras. Find cheatsheets for Python here.
Orange: complete workflow package for data mining.
Free software for university users
Mathematica: Go here, find the “Mathematica” and download.
Matlab: Go here, find the “Matlab” and download.
Tableau: Go here. Viewers can just sign in using their webID. Producers in the university need to send request using this form. Students can get a free desktop version here.
Paid software
Prism: easy to use for those who have fewer knowledge on statistics and coding, with user interface and a lot of help and tutorials.
SAS: is a commercial statistics software that has been widely used in health care and social science.
Raw data for “An Analysis of the Jackson Mississippi Water Crisis using Social and News Media” paper: JWC_raw_data