Progressive Discipline

How to handle poor performance and behavior from team members.

Job performance is of paramount importance to the University

When an employee's performance or behavior doesn't meet expectations, it is the supervisor's responsibility to work together with them to address the issue and provide guidance for improvement, aiming to avoid termination whenever possible.

If corrective action is necessary, a progressive system is typically followed, starting with milder steps and escalating if needed. These measures are intended to be constructive, helping employees improve. The starting point depends on the seriousness of the situation.

Progress discipline formal documentation process

After the supervisor has reviewed the performance or incident and discussed the concerns with the employee, they should also ensure the employee understands the potential consequences of their actions. These consequences include verbal warnings, formal warnings, suspension and even dismissal.

Once this discussion has taken place, the supervisor should contact their HR Partner to request access to the electronic Progressive Discipline Action Notice.

The supervisor will receive an email with instructions on how to access the online form through connectU, located in the Performance & Engagement tile in the "To Do" section at the top of the page.

Both the supervisor and employee will have access to the electronic form for acknowledgment. 

Once it’s received, a Human Resources representative will confirm receipt and complete the process. A copy of the form will be saved in each person’s Completed folder within the Performance module, accessible through the drop-down menu.

Issues not subject to progressive discipline

Certain behaviors fall outside of the progressive discipline process and may lead to immediate termination. These include illegal activities, which may also be reported to law enforcement, as well as theft, substance abuse, intoxication, fighting, or any acts of violence in the workplace.

Have questions? Contact your HR Partner

Our HR Partners work closely with leadership across different departments and divisions to build a supportive work environment. They focus on employee-centered activities and performance management to ensure everyone thrives.

Our current HR Partners are:
Chancellor Division 
Provost Division
VCAF Division (includes Facilities Management) 
Hunter Haney
(662) 915-1470
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Comfort Agyin-Birikorang
(662) 915-5445
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Rocklyn Reed
(662) 915-1585
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