Charles Dibrell

Chair of Entrepreneurial Excellence, Co-Director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Professor of Management


Clay Dibrell is a Professor of Management; the Chair in Entrepreneurship; Co-Director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Mississippi, and a U.S. Fulbright Scholar. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Memphis, where he majored in Strategic Management and minored in International Business. His areas of research include entrepreneurship, family businesses, and innovation.

His research has been published in leading academic journals, including Entrepreneurship Theory & PracticeJournal of ManagementFamily Business ReviewJournal of Business ResearchSmall Business EconomicsJournal of Family Business StrategyJournal of Small Business ManagementIEEE Transactions on Engineering ManagementJournal of Business Ethics, and Journal of World Business.

He is on multiple editorial review boards, as well as a special issue guest editor for multiple journals. He has taught entrepreneurship, strategic management, and international business courses at the undergraduate, MBA, doctorate, and/or EMBA levels in the U.S., Europe, and Australia. He has also worked with executives in high technology and natural resource industries with their innovation strategies, strategic planning, and international business opportunities.


B.S. Business, Lambuth College (1990)

M.B.A. Management, University of Memphis (1992)

Ph.D. Business Administration, University of Memphis (2000)