Danielle Beu Ammeter

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Instructional Associate Professor of Management

Danielle Ammeter is an Instructional Associate Professor of Management and serves as the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs.

Research Interests

Ethics and Leadership, Management Education, Employee Accountability


 She is currently the Business School’s Diversity Liaison and Chair of the Business School Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Collaborative. She serves on many university and School of Business committees focusing on strategy, assurance of learning, and student success. Prior to coming to the Business School, Dr. Ammeter worked at the American Heart Association as the Director of Talent Management where she developed people systems to attract, retain, develop, and engage the staff. When not at work, she enjoys being at home with Dr. Tony Ammeter and their two dogs, Ellie & Harold.

She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma with emphases in human resource management, international management, and ethical management practices. She earned her Master of Business Administration from Texas Christian University and her Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry from Baylor University.

Her research has been published in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Business Ethics, Leadership Quarterly, Human Resource Management Review, Journal of Education for Business, Teaching Business Ethics, Human Relations, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Managerial Issues, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, and Journal of Management History.

Dr. Ammeter teaches the modern management skills, principles of management and business internship courses, and has taught compensation management, staffing, training, human resources, leadership, and organizational change at the undergraduate and master’s level.


Ph.D. Business Administration, University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus (2001)