Graduate Certificate

Emotional Disability Graduate Certificate (Online)

Become an interventionist in the field of Emotional Behavior Disorders and address the needs of individuals with EmD rulings.

Certificate in Emotional Disability - teacher stands in a classroom.

About the Certificate in Emotional Disability

The Certificate in Emotional Disability (EmD) focuses on meeting the needs of individual students who have emotional and behavioral disorders.

Upon completion of the certificate, teachers are prepared to assess, analyze and problem solve the challenges of learning for students with emotional & behavioral disorders and their families, focusing on the objective of providing effective teaching practices, behavioral supports, and instructional strategies. 

On this Page…

    Program Information

    Program Type

    Master's Program

    Area of Study



    1 year



    Program Location




    Required Credit Hours


    Explore Everything the Emotional Disability (EmD) has to Offer

    The Certificate in Emotional Disability is more than just a credential. It offers students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of emotional and behavioral disorders.

    The Certificate in Emotional Disability (EmD) requires the following courses for a total of 12 credit hours.

    To complete the Certificate in Emotional Disability (EmD), students must complete:

    • 12 hours of Professional Core courses

    Professional Core Courses (12)

    • EDSP 676 Education & Psychology of Individuals with Behavior Problems
    • EDSP 678 Positive Behavior Support
    • EDSP 680 Applied Behavior Analysis & Management
    • EDSP 653 Practicum & Field Experiences with Exceptionalities
    Note: These four courses can be added to an M.Ed. in Special Education.

    Students applying to the Certificate in Emotional Disability (EmD) must meet the following requirements. Students must have:

    • A completed bachelor's degree
    • Hold a teacher certification in Special Education
    Rodney Hurt

    We're here to help!

    If you have any questions about the Certificate in Emotional Disability, don't hesitate to reach out!

    Rodney Hurt

    Instructor in Teacher Education

    Next Steps

    Explore Affordability

    We have a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to help make college more affordable for you and your family.

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