
Art, B.F.A.

Develop a professional portfolio with the B.F.A. Choose from any number of concentrations in expanded media arts or fine art.

Students participating in an iron pour. Students are wearing bright yellow protective coats and pants as well as helmets with face shields. Bright yellow-orange molten metal is being poured into a mold.

“The department community is something special. They challenged and encouraged me everyday.”

Rosa Salas (B.F.A. in Art, emphasis in Ceramics '20)

Museum Educator, UM Museum

About the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art

The Department of Art and Art History in the College of Liberal Arts offers the B.F.A. in Art. Students who major in art are creative thinkers who visualize the world around them to create contemporary and conceptual works of art.

B.A. vs B.F.A. in Art

  • The Bachelor of Art in Art has a deeper and wider general education foundation than the B.F.A. degree. The B.A. degree provides flexibility for combining the study of art with a required minor field of study or double major. B.A. students can use their art electives to focus on the studio area of their choice.
  • Students can choose to enter the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art program during the regular UM admissions process. After completing the foundation art core, having a minimum GPA, and successful B.F.A. Foundations Review, B.F.A. students gain wider training across the studio areas, more depth in their chosen emphasis area, build a professional portfolio, and hold a final thesis show.

Students in the B.F.A. in Art program select a concentration and emphasis.

Fine Arts Concentration

  • Ceramics Emphasis
  • Painting Emphasis
  • Sculpture Emphasis

Expanded Media Arts Concentration
  • Graphic Design Emphasis
  • Printmaking and Imaging Arts Emphasis

The Value of an Art Degree

Art majors develop the fundamentals of design, learn how to promote their art, and become adept at new technologies within their field. They can analyze visual materials, communicate conceptual ideas, and problem solve in creative ways–all skills that are highly desired by employers.

On this Page…

    Program Information

    Program Type


    Area of Study



    4 Years


    B.F.A. in Art

    Program Location



    Graphic Design;
    Printmaking and Imaging Arts;

    Required Credit Hours


    Degree Requirements

    Students in the B.F.A. in Art program complete 76 credit hours, including 22 art courses and 5 art history courses. 

    Foundation Core (15 hours)

    • Art 101: 2-D Design
    • Art 111: Drawing I
    • Art 103: 3-D Design
    • Art 201: Digital Imaging
    • Art 211: Drawing II
    • Art 205: BFA Foundations Portfolio Review

    Level 1 Studio (12 hours)

    Select 3 courses from chosen concentration and one course from the other concentration

    Fine Art Concentration

    • Art 321: Beginning Painting
    • Art 331: Beginning Sculpture
    • Art 340: Beginning Ceramics
    • Art 371: Introduction to Printmaking
    • Art 381: Beginning Imaging Arts

    Expanded Media Arts Concentration
    • Art 361. Graphic Design I, Typography
    • Art 362. Graphic Design II, Production Design
    • Art 371. Introduction to Printmaking
    • Art 381. Beginning Imaging Arts
    • Art 384. Digital Video

    Level 2 Studio (9 hours)

    Select 3 courses in chosen concentration.

    Fine Art Concentration
    • Art 311: Figure Drawing I
    • Art 322: Intermediate Painting
    • Art 323: Plein Air Painting
    • Art 332: Intermediate Sculpture
    • Art 341: Pottery
    • Art 342: Handbuilding

    Expanded Media Arts Concentration

    • Art 362: Graphic Design II, Production Design
    • Art 364: Web Design I
    • Art 366: Letterpress
    • Art 372: Intermediate Printmaking
    • Art 373: Book Arts
    • Art 383: Intermediate Imaging Arts
    • Art 385: Intro to Alternative Photographic Processes

    Area of Emphasis (13 hours)

    Select an area of emphasis within chosen concentration. Courses completed in Level I or II cannot double count towards an area of emphasis.

    • Any Art at the 300 level or higher (9 hours)
    • Art 405. Pre-thesis Forum (0 hr.)
    • Art 491. Thesis Exhibit (3 hr.)
    • Art 492. Senior Seminar (1 hr.)

    The following courses count toward each area of emphasis:

    • Painting: Art 322, 323, 421, 521, 523
    • Ceramics: Art 341, 342, 441, 442, 541, 542
    • Sculpture: Art 332, 431, 531
    • Graphic Design: Art 364, 366, 460, 461; IMC 349, 473, 524
    • Printmaking & Imaging Arts: Art 366, 371, 372, 373, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 471, 483, 484, 485

    Art Electives (12 hours)

    Select any art course at the 300-level or higher. See all art course choices in the online catalog. 

    Art History Courses (15 hours)

    • AH 201: History of Art I
    • AH 202: History of Art II
    • AH 401: Research and Writing in Art
    • 2 Art History courses at the 300 level or higher.

    See All Art History courses in the online catalog.

    The minor in art consists of 18 credit hours of studio art courses.

    • Art 101: Two-Dimensional Design
    • Art 103: Three-Dimensional Design
    • Art 111: Drawing I
    • 9 credit hours of studio art courses with 6 credit hours at 300-level or higher

    See All Art courses in the catalog.

    Connect with a B.F.A. in Art Student

    Hear what it's like to be an Art major at Ole Miss from one of our current students.

    Haley Chiles

    Haley Chiles

    Asked by Stefanie

    What do you hope to do after you graduate?

    See Haley’s Answer

    Video: Get to Know the Department of Art and Art History

    Hear firsthand from students, faculty, and staff about the Art program.

    What can you do with a B.F.A. in Art?

    • Designer/Host, HGTV's Home Town
    • Creative Consultant, Estee Lauder
    • Graphic Designer, Walt Disney World
    • Art Director, Marriott International
    • Executive Art Director, Simon & Schuster
    • Marketing Specialist, Turner Broadcasting
    • Director of Philanthropy, Heifer International
    • Professor of Ceramics, University of Utah
    • Webmaster, Oxford School District
    • Scenic Artist, Denver Center Theatre
    • Technical Artist, Los Alamos National Labs
    • Game Developer, Mind Level Up
    • Creative Director, CNN
    • Appraisal Services, Antiques Roadshow
    • Collections Assistant, Burke Museum
    • Staff, Chicago Art Institute
    Annabelle Harris

    Welcome to the College of Liberal Arts

    As Coordinator of Student Recruitment for the College of Liberal Arts, I work with students, and their parents, who are interested in attending UM for their undergraduate degrees. I coordinate personalized visits to our departments, answer questions about the majors and programs in the CLA and handle all recruitment communications from the CLA. Please feel free to send me any questions you may have. It is my job to make sure you have everything you need to make an informed decision on where to spend your college career, and I hope it will be with the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Mississippi!

    Annabelle Harris

    Admissions Counselor

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    group of students sitting in the Union and studying together

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    We invite future undergraduates to learn about the College of Liberal Arts, the value of the liberal arts education, our programs, career opportunities, and resources to help you succeed. You can also request a personalized degree sheet. 

    Future CLA Students

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