
Pharmacy, Pharm.D.

Our nationally recognized professional program will open the door to various career possibilities in healthcare and beyond.

A pharmacy student consulting with a patient.

"My time here at the UM School of Pharmacy has truly been an unforeseen blessing. I aim to optimize this opportunity to positively impact and connect with as many individuals as I can."

Jessica Wilson

About the Doctor of Pharmacy

Ready to take the next step toward becoming a pharmacist? Our Pharm.D. program will prepare you to enter the pharmacy profession, equipping you with the skills you need to practice in community, institutional, or non-traditional settings.

Outstanding Medical Center

You will also have the opportunity to learn in some of the best medical facilities in the state. Third-year pharmacy students take courses at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, so they may benefit from the strength of the academic medical center and the interprofessional collaboration opportunities that are available at other professional schools at UMMC. Your final year will give you direct patient care experiences at various practice sites customized just for you.

On this Page…

    Program Information

    Program Type

    Doctorate Program

    Area of Study


    Health and Social Services

    Sciences, Mathematics, and Technology


    4 Years


    Doctor of Pharmacy

    Program Location





    Required Credit Hours


    Early Entry Application Deadline

    The Early Entry Application on Ole Miss' Special Programs and Scholarships Application closes on January 10, 2025! Do not miss this opportunity to SECURE YOUR SEAT in our professional school while a senior in high school.

    Choose Your Path

    Student with their white coat

    Secure Your Seat

    The University of Mississippi’s Early Entry Program provides highly qualified high school seniors with guaranteed seats in the professional pharmacy program upon completion of pre-pharmacy coursework, avoiding the competitive selection process for traditional admission into the Pharm.D. professional program.

    Students Practicing immunizations

    Build Your Legacy in Healthcare

    Pre-pharmacy is a two to three-year program that prepares students for admission into the professional Doctor of Pharmacy program. Whether you're a freshman through junior at Ole Miss or transferring from a community college or another 4-year institution, unlock your potential, make an impact, and build your legacy at the School of Pharmacy, earning your Pharm.D. 

    Student Graduating with their BSPS

    What sets Ole Miss Pharmacy Apart

    How are we different from other schools, you ask? The University of Mississippi is unique among public pharmacy colleges because the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences degree is housed in the School of Pharmacy and is awarded to all pharmacy students upon completion of their senior year.

    You heard that right! Earn your bachelor's degree while obtaining your Pharm.D.

    The First Steps

    - Preferred 2.75 GPA

    - Completion of Pre-Pharmacy Undergraduate Coursework

    - Coursework completed 10 or more years ago will not be considered.

    - Completion of PharmCAS Application

    - Completion of Casper Test

    - Attend an Interview Day

    *This curriculum applies to current Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors at Ole Miss, community college, or other four-year institutions who will enter the Professional Pharmacy program in the fall of 2024 or fall of 2025.

    Degree Sheet

    Pre-Pharmacy Curriculum

    First Year

    WRIT 100 or 101/HON 101WRIT 102 or LIBA 102/HON 102
    CHEM 105 Chemistry I, CHEM LAB 115CHEM 106 Chemistry II, CHEM LAB 116
    BISC 160 Biology I, BISC LAB 161BISC 162 Biology II, BISC LAB 163
    MATH 261 Calculus IMATH 115 Elementary Statistics

    PHCY 100 Intro to Pharmacy (Early Entry Student Requirement)

    Second Year

    CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I, CHEM LAB 225CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry II, CHEM LAB 226
    PHYS 213 Physics I, PHYS LAB 223BISC Genetics 336
    SPCH 102 or 105 SpeechECON 202 Microeconomics
    Elective (Social Sciences)Elective (Humanities)
    Elective (Fine Arts Appreciation)

    Third Year

    BMS 343 BiochemistryPHAD 395 Pharmacy Ethics
    BMS 321 Medical MicrobiologyBMS 345 Human Anatomy
    Elective (Social Science)BMS 344 Human Physiology
    Elective (Humanities)Elective (Humanities or Fine Arts)
    Free ElectiveFree Elective

    *The 18 hours of nonprofessional electives must include six (6) hours of social or behavioral sciences and 12 hours of fine arts (FA) and humanities electives, with a minimum of 3 hours of fine arts and 6 hours of humanities. At least one fine art must be considered an appreciation course. Performance course credits are not acceptable. Although quality grades for nonprofessional elective courses and any other electives are recorded, they are NOT included in the calculation of the grade-point average (GPA) utilized in admissions, progression, or school scholarship decisions.

    *A C or higher is required for all undergraduate coursework, including electives.

    *This curriculum applies to the incoming freshmen class of the fall of 2024 at Ole Miss, community colleges, or other four-year institutions or to any students entering the Professional Pharmacy Program in the fall of 2026.

    New Pre-Pharmacy Curriculum

    First Year

    WRIT 100 or 101 First-Year WritingWRIT 102 or LIBA 102 First-Year Writing II
    CHEM 105 Chemistry I, CHEM LAB 115CHEM 106 Chemistry II, CHEM LAB 116
    BISC 160 Biology I, BISC LAB 161BISC 162 Biology II, BISC LAB 163
    MATH 261 Calculus IMATH 115 Elementary Statistics

    PHCY 100 Intro to Pharmacy (Early Entry Student Requirement)

    Elective (Social Science)

    Second Year

    CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I, CHEM LAB 225CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry II, CHEM LAB 226
    BMS 321 Medical MicrobiologyBMS 344 Human Physiology
    BMS 345 Human AnatomySPCH 102 or 105 Speech
    Elective (Humanities)Elective (Humanities)
    Elective (Fine Arts Appreciation)Elective (Social Science)

    Are you a community college student or transferring from another four-year institution? Click the link below to view your school's transfer equivalency document and check your classes.

    Transfer Equivalency Documents

    Step 1: Submit your PharmCAS application by March 1 of your final year of undergraduate required coursework.

    *The PharmCAS application is accepted July-March 1 of your final year of required undergraduate coursework.

    *Enter any AP courses on your official transcripts under the term your college granted the credit. Mark courses as “Advanced Placement” during the Transcript Review.

    *Transcripts from all institutions where coursework was completed must be received by PharmCAS before a student is eligible for interviews. The School of Pharmacy Office of Student Affairs will contact students for the selection of an interview date.

    *The School of Pharmacy Office of Student Affairs does not recommend using the paid service for transcript entry available through PharmCAS.

    Step 2: Take the Casper Test. This is an evaluation of non-cognitive skills, interpersonal characteristics, and personal values and priorities that our school believes are important for successful students and graduates of our program.

    *The School of Pharmacy Office of Student Affairs will give more instructions on the Casper Test before interviewing.

    Step 3: Accept an Applicant Interview Day.

    Step 4: Submit your final transcript.

    *All undergraduate required coursework must be completed and transcripts received by the School of Pharmacy Office of Student Affairs by June 30th before final admission is granted into the School of Pharmacy Pharm.D. professional program.

    Set up a virtual or in-person meeting with any questions or concerns with Lindsey Cooper, admissions coordinator.


    March 1 is the deadline for Regular Admissions applications, although applicants are encouraged to apply early from July to September. Per our rolling admissions policy, applicants are interviewed, and admissions decisions are made continually from October until the final interview date has been held in March.

    The applicant is responsible for ensuring that PharmCAS receives all materials before the March 1 deadline. PharmCAS requires 2-4 weeks for verification purposes before an application is forwarded to individual colleges of pharmacy. Applications that PharmCAS does not verify will not be released and will not be considered for interviews.

    If notification of provisional admission to the program is issued prior to March 1, a $200 nonrefundable seat deposit is required upfront. A second seat deposit of $300 is required to obtain full admission. The $500 total seat deposit will be applied to first semester fees upon matriculation. Applicants may contact the School of Pharmacy Office of Student Affairs with questions at

    To view our Technical Standards, click here.

    PharmD Curriculum

    P1 Fall 


    P1 Spring 


    PHCY 400 Becoming a Pharmacist 


    PHCY 402 Foundations in BioMolecular Sciences II 


    PHCY 401 Foundations in BioMolecular Sciences I 


    PHCY 412 Physiology/Pathology II 


    PHCY 411 Physiology/Pathology I 


    PHCY 422 Pharmaceutics and Calculations II 


    PHCY 421 Pharmaceutics and Calculations I 


    PHCY 432 Social and Administrative Pharmacy II 


    PHCY 431 Social and Administrative Pharmacy I 


    PHCY 442 Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process II 


    PHCY 441 Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process I 


    PHCY 452 Pharmacoimmunology 


    PHCY 451 Pharmacogenomics 


    PHCY 460 Personal and Professional Development I* 


    PHCY 470 Integrated Community IPPE I 


    PHCY 461 Interprofessional Collaboration I* 


    PHCY 481 Pharmacy Practice Applications I 


    PHCY 482 Pharmacy Practice Applications II  


    Total Credit Hours    


    Total Credit Hours    


                    May Intersession:  PHCY 471 Institutional Immersion IPPE I for 1 credit hour 

    PharmD Curriculum

    P2 Fall 


    P2 Spring 


    PHCY 501 Infectious Disease Immersion  


    PHCY 506 Integrated Systems-CNS/Psych 


    PHCY 502 Integrated Systems-Cardiovascular  


    PHCY 507 Integrated Systems-Endocrine 


    PHCY 503 Integrated Systems- Respiratory 


    PHCY 508 Integrated Systems-GI/Nutrition 


    PHCY 504 Integrated Systems-Renal 


    PHCY 509 Integrated Systems-Dermatology/Misc 


    PHCY 505 Integrated Systems-Musculoskeletal/Neuro 


    PHCY 550 Integrated Institutional IPPE I* 


    PHCY 581 Pharmacy Practice Applications 


    PHCY 560 Personal and Professional Development II* 




    PHCY 561 Interprofessional Collaboration II* 




    PHCY 582 Pharmacy Practice Applications  






    Total Credit Hours               


    Total Credit Hours   


                     May Intersession:  PHCY 510 Community Immersion IPPE II for 2 credit hours  

    PharmD Curriculum

    P3 Fall 


    P3 Spring 


    PHCY 601 Multisystem Complex Patient Care I 


    PHCY 608 Multisystem Complex Patient Care II 


    PHCY 602 Integrated Systems-Hematology/Oncology/Immunology 


    PHCY 606 Population and Rural Health 


    PHCY 603 Integrated Systems-GU/Reproductive 


    PHCY 607 Practice Law Application 


    PHCY 604 Integrated Systems-Pediatrics/Geriatrics 


    PHCY 660 Personal and Professional Development III* 


    PHCY 650 Community & Am Care IPPE or Institutional & Specialty IPPE 


    PHCY 651 Community & Am Care IPPE or Institutional & Specialty IPPE 


    PHCY 605 IPPE Selective 


    PHCY 661 Interprofessional Collaboration III* 


    PHCY 681 Pharmacy Practice Applications 


    PHCY 682 Pharmacy Practice Applications  






    Total Credit Hours    


    Total Credit Hours    


    *Longitudinal experience in Fall & Spring Semesters with grade/credit assigned in the Spring.

    Fourth Professional Year (P4)

    Each student will participate in five required four-week rotations (Community Pharmacy Practice Experience, Institutional Pharmacy Practice Experience, Adult Medicine Practice Experience, Ambulatory Care Practice Experience, and a Selective Ambulatory Care or Adult Medicine Practice Experience) and five four-week elective rotations for a total of 40 weeks of experiential education during the period beginning in May following completion of the P3 year and ending in April before May commencement of the succeeding year. Students also must register for Personal and Professional Development Courses (PHCY 666 and PHCY 667) during the fall and spring semesters of the P4 year.

    What is Experiential Education?

    • Learning by DOING
    • Allows the learner to be ENGAGED
    • Allows the learner to play an ACTIVE role in the learning process
    • In medical education, it means involving the learner in direct PATIENT CARE
    • REQUIRED for graduation and licensure
    • Comprises more than 30% of the entire SCHOOL OF PHARMACY CURRICULUM

    Doctor of Pharmacy students will participate in pharmacy practice experiences during P1 through P4 years. Upon completing the final year of pharmacy school, students will have completed 1920 hours of experiential education. During years 1 through 3, students will participate in Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE); in year 4, students will participate in Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE). The purpose of IPPEs is to expose students to pharmacy practice models and patient care in preparation for the APPEs. The fundamental goal of APPEs is to provide students with a planned program of applied knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities that will assist them in becoming competent pharmacists. The APPEs must also have a patient care emphasis, as well as take place in diverse settings with maximum opportunity for interprofessional interactions.

    The UM School of Pharmacy is committed to every student’s personal and professional career development. Our students participate in a series of courses aimed at increasing their self-awareness, helping them to become more effective communicators, and teaching them how to plan and document their personal and professional growth.

    Students are assigned personal and professional development advisors who they meet with once each semester to discuss career and other goals. Additionally, students must maintain a professional portfolio and complete a series of assignments intended to build their competence as communicators and self-developers. The series culminates in their final professional year with the students demonstrating their presentation skills and completing required national pharmacy board exam preparation activities.


    August 1, 2024

    Ole Miss Admissions Opens

    September 1, 2024

    Special Programs and Scholarships Application Opens to Apply for Early Entry Pharmacy Program

    PharmD Applicant Days

    November 1st, 2024

    November 15, 2024

    December 6th, 2024

    January 24th, 2025

    ** Eligibility to participate in PharmD Applicant Days - Students must have a VERIFIED PharmCAS application.

    Priority Deadline - March 3, 2025

    Final (Enforced) Deadline - May 1, 2025


    The Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCAS) is a centralized application service to apply to multiple Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree programs offered by schools and colleges of pharmacy. PharmCAS is designed for first-year professional Pharm.D programs. High school students and current student pharmacists who wish to transfer to another pharmacy degree program should contact institutions directly for instructions.

    Become a Triple Threat with Multiple Degrees

    B.S.P.S. + Pharm.D. + Master’s Degree (MBA or MPH)

    Want to set yourself apart and take your college education even further? We offer a unique “triple degree” option that will allow you to earn three degrees in as few as six years. After earning your B.S.P.S., you can concurrently complete a Pharm.D. with an online Master of Business Administration and gain a competitive edge in the job market. Or, use your pharmacy knowledge to improve your community with a concurrent Pharm.D. and online Master of Public Health.

    Eager to start your career? We have you covered. Through our program, you’ll be able to take your courses at the same time.

    MBA Degree Track   MPH Degree Track

    Headshot of Isaiah Brown

    Obtain Multiple Degrees Like Me

    What’s up, Pham! My name is Isaiah Brown, and I am a dual degree PharmD/MPH student. As part of the Masters of Public Health Curriculum, we are required to complete a six-week practicum experience this summer. I have been with the Mississippi Department of Health Pharmacy working on projects, sitting in on meetings, and assisting with everyday tasks around the pharmacy. I am learning a lot about how public health pharmacy works and how significant it is to any health department. I can envision so many opportunities for pharmacists within public health spaces like this, as MSDH has pharmacists in numerous departments like substance abuse, epidemiology, immunizations, and more!

    Isaiah Brown

    3rd Year Pharmacy Student

    Make an IMPACT

    Get involved and belong! In addition to the various campus activities such as recreational sports, social clubs, theater and arts, academic clubs, and other extracurricular activities, the School of Pharmacy offers many pharmacy organizations and activities for students to join and participate in. We believe the Ole Miss Pharmacy Experience, outside of the classroom, is important to your success, professional development, and career readiness. So join today and impact patient care, the profession, and communities in Mississippi and beyond.

    SOP Student Ambassadors

    SOP Ambassadors serve the school community through positive interactions with prospective students, current students, alumni, and other stakeholders. Selected individuals work collaboratively with faculty, staff, and other student pharmacists at events, Applicant Days, and more. Contact for information.

    Rho Chi

    Rho Chi, pharmacy’s academic honor society, encourages and recognizes excellence in intellectual achievement and advocates for critical inquiry in all aspects of pharmacy. 

    Phi Lambda Sigma

    Phi Lambda Sigma supports leadership in pharmacy by recognizing leaders and fostering leadership development. 

    American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists

    APhA’s Academy of Student Pharmacists promotes the professional practice interests of all pharmacists and pharmacy students, establishes programs and activities for its members, and enables members to participate in APhA’s national policy-making process.

    Kappa Psi

    Kappa Psi strives to promote the field of pharmacy through the benefits of fraternal affiliation and innovation.

    Phi Delta Chi

    Phi Delta Chi, a lifelong experience, promotes scholastic, professional, and social growth in its brothers, who strive to provide quality services to patients, advance public health, and strengthen themselves as health professionals.

    Kappa Epsilon

    Kappa Epsilon is a national professional pharmacy fraternity that promotes women in pharmacy by supporting personal and professional development, providing networking opportunities, and promoting pharmacy as a career.

    American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

    The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists advocates opening new doors for pharmacists to enable them to use their extensive clinical knowledge to care for patients.

    National Community Pharmacists Association

    The National Community Pharmacists Association represents the professional and proprietary interests of independent community pharmacists and is committed to high-quality patient care and restoring, maintaining, and promoting the health and well-being of the public we serve.

    Student National Pharmaceutical Association

    The National Pharmaceutical Association is dedicated to representing the views and ideas of minority pharmacists on critical issues affecting health care and pharmacy, as well as advancing the standards of pharmaceutical care among all practitioners.

    Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International

    Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International is a worldwide ministry of individuals working in all areas of service and practice to serve Christ and the world through pharmacy.

    Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy

    Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy is a national professional association of pharmacists and other health care practitioners who serve society by applying sound medication management principles and strategies to improve health care for all.

    Students College of Clinical Pharmacy

    The mission of the Student College of Clinical Pharmacy (SCCP) is to orient students to the practice of clinical pharmacy by providing information about careers and opportunities within the field, encouraging skill development necessary to function within an interdisciplinary team, advocating the role of clinical pharmacists within healthcare, encouraging participation in the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) at local/regional/national levels, and promoting dedication to excellence in patient care, research, and education.

    Pediatric Pharmacy Association

    The Pediatric Pharmacy Association (PPAG) (PediaRebs) is an international, nonprofit, professional association representing the interests of pediatric pharmacists and their patients. Members are dedicated to improving medication therapy in children through communication, education, and research.

    American College of Veterinary Pharmacists – Rebel Vets

    The American College of Veterinary Pharmacists Rebel Vets is the first professional student organization at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy that dedicates itself to veterinary pharmacy. The purpose of ACVP is to develop and strengthen the services provided by independent pharmacists to animals and veterinarians.

    The University of Mississippi Advocacy Committee

    The University of Mississippi Advocacy Council (UMAC) strives to increase student engagement in advocacy efforts for the profession of pharmacy. UMAC aims to contribute to the profession-wide goals of establishing recognition of pharmacists as patient care providers, creating billing mechanisms for patient care services, and implementing practice models in which pharmacists provide direct patient care at the level of their training.

    Explore! Engage in cutting-edge research and work with internationally-recognized faculty!

    We encourage pharmacy students to participate in research. Many students work in research labs, complete honors thesis projects with pharmacy faculty members, enroll in independent research student elective courses, participate in summer research projects, or engage in other student research programs.

    Student research contributes to our impact on cancer, cardiometabolic disorders, neuroscience and drugs of abuse, infectious disease, and medication optimization.

    Pharmacy students often gain experience disseminating research findings in poster presentations and publications.

    Pharmacy students interested in working on a research project should contact the department chair or professor whose interests align with the students.

    Department Research Programs

    There are opportunities for basic science research, clinical and translational research, and population and public health research. These opportunities are housed within the research programs in our four academic departments.

    Department of BioMolecular Sciences, with divisions of Environmental Toxicology, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, and Pharmacology
    Department of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, including industrial pharmacy
    Department of Pharmacy Administration, with an emphasis in marketing/management and outcomes/policy
    Department of Pharmacy Practice

    Summer Research Programs

    We offer competitive, summer research programs to provide educational research experiences to students. Students learn about cutting-edge STEM-related topics, develop presentation and communication skills, practice networking skills, develop an interest in research, and learn about the pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy.

    Research Centers

    Students may also work with pharmacy faculty and scientists in various research centers as listed below.

    Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (RIPS)

    Center for Clinical and Translational Science
    Center for Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management
    National Center for Natural Products Research
    National Center for Cannabis Research and Education
    Pii Center for Pharmaceutical Technology

    Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence

    William Magee Institute for Student Wellbeing

    Community First Research Center for Wellbeing and Creative Achievement (CREW)

    Lead and Advocate to Change the World!

    The School of Pharmacy prides itself on preparing our students to be leaders in healthcare. We provide many professional development opportunities to promote leadership, and our graduates are successful at securing leadership positions with pharmacy and healthcare organizations.

    • The Ole Miss Phi Lambda Sigma chapter supports leadership in pharmacy by recognizing leaders and hosting leadership development opportunities, including the annual student leadership development workshop.
    • The University of Mississippi Advocacy Committee (UMAC) strives to increase student engagement in advocacy efforts for the profession of pharmacy. UMAC aims to contribute to the profession-wide goals of establishing recognition of pharmacists as patient care providers, creating billing mechanisms for patient care services, and implementing practice models in which pharmacists provide direct patient care at the level of their training.

    Other opportunities for leadership development and advocacy include:

    • Serve on School of Pharmacy committees
    • Serve as a student body or class officer
    • Pursue leadership positions in pharmacy organizations, both locally as well as statewide and nationally
    • Participate in the Mississippi Pharmacy legislative day in Jackson
    • Advocate for patients and the profession through pharmacy associations
    • Interact with seminar speakers and network with state and national pharmacy leaders.

    Pharmacy students have the opportunity to volunteer, serve, and provide patient care, allowing them to have real-world experiences and real-life impact. Students apply the clinical skills they learn in the real world and make an immediate difference for patients.

    Operation Immunization-Lead an immunization awareness campaign and provide thousands of flu shots to the University community
    Health Fairs-Provide blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose screenings to community members
    Jackson Free Clinic at UMMC-Develop medication treatment plans, dispense medications, and provide medication management services to uninsured patients
    Oxford Medical Ministries Clinic-Provide medications and pharmacy services to vulnerable populations
    Dental Mission Week at UMMC-Work collaboratively with other healthcare providers to offer medications to patients needing oral healthcare
    Public Health Awareness Campaigns-Communicate with patients and community members about various public health issues

    Additionally, students experience direct patient care in the PharmD Curriculum. More than 30% of the PharmD curriculum includes Experiential Education components allowing the student to:

    Learn by DOING
    Be involved in direct PATIENT CARE
    Be ENGAGED and play an ACTIVE role

    During years 1 through 3, students participate in Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE); in year 4, students participate in Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE). Year 2 all students will complete an IPPE rotation at Baptist Memorial Hospital-North Mississippi.

    The purpose of IPPEs is to expose students to pharmacy practice models and patient care in real-world settings. APPEs emphasize patient care and provide students with a planned program to apply patient care abilities in diverse practice settings to assist them in becoming competent pharmacists.

    University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy students have multiple opportunities to learn and practice their patient care skills in real-world settings, making an impact on health care in the United States and beyond.

    Internships- Our pharmacy students are competitive for national pharmacy internships. Internships allow students to explore career paths, gain valuable work experience, develop skills, and gain confidence while working for a leading pharmacy or healthcare organization.

    Pharmacy students experience pharmacy and health care in another country through various study abroad opportunities. Recently, select students visited the Dominican Republic, Italy, and Ireland.

    The Preferred Admissions Program

    Alcorn State University

    Jackson State University

    Millsaps College

    Mississippi College

    Mississippi State University

    Tougaloo College

    Potential criteria for consideration of acceptance into the Preferred Admission Program include:

    • Minimum GPA expectations each semester in required pre-pharmacy courses
    • C or above in each required course
    • Demonstrated volunteer and service experiences

    Qualifying full-time students from the participating universities will gain entry into the Preferred Admission Program following the first semester of their freshman year. If these students abide by the progression and retention criteria of the program, they will be granted preferential admission into the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy beginning their fourth year. Upon admission, these students will complete the required coursework at UM and receive a B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the end of their fourth year (first year at UM). Then they will automatically be admitted into the Doctor of Pharmacy program as long as they meet additional progression and program requirements.

    Students will apply during the beginning of the Spring semester of their freshman year via the School of Pharmacy website.

    Each subsequent semester, program participants will be required to send an unofficial transcript to the School of Pharmacy. They will also follow standard admission procedures.

    Already have your PharmD?

    Apply to one of our two residency programs! Our residency programs, housed in Oxford and Jackson, MS, will allow you to expand your education and prepare you to make lifelong changes in your practice and community.

    Lindsey Nell Cooper

    We're Here For You!

    Welcome! I am the coordinator of admissions for the School of Pharmacy, and I am here to help with any of your admissions needs. Please feel free to reach out to me if I can be of any assistance.

    Lindsey Nell Cooper

    Coordinator of Admissions

    Kristen Ater Pate

    Want to know more about pharmacists and the role we play?

    Hi, my name is Dr. Kristen Pate, and I am the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. I am also a pharmacist! If you have any questions about our program or the profession, reach out, and let's talk!

    Kristen Ater Pate

    Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice

    Next Steps

    Explore Affordability

    We have a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to help make college more affordable for you and your family.

    Apply to the University of Mississippi

    Are you ready to take the next step toward building your legacy?