Stamps Impact Prize
The Stamps Impact Prize is a competitive award to enhance undergraduate academic experiences by supporting student-initiated projects.
Help our students grow
The Stamps Impact Prize is a competitive award to enhance undergraduate academic experiences by supporting student-initiated research scholarship, creative works, community outreach projects, technology development, or other innovative experiential learning projects. Faculty mentorship is an essential component of these experiences and students will work closely with their mentor during the development and execution of their student projects.
The Stamps Impact Prize program is open to students enrolled on the Oxford and Regional campuses.
The most competitive applications are ones in which 1) the research scholarship, creative works, etc. are clearly student-generated ideas, 2) the student makes a substantial independent contribution to the project and 3) the activities result in, or contribute to, a significant finished product for the student—for instance, authorship on a publishable manuscript, creation of an artistic or scholarly work, exhibition, technical (white) paper, etc. The Stamps Impact Prize does not support ongoing faculty-initiated research or creative achievement projects.
Stamps Impact Prize recipients typically conduct their projects across academic semesters and/or summer terms.
The maximum award amount is $5,000. Allowable expenses include direct project/experience supplies, any travel-related costs (outside of the study abroad or Study USA programs), student stipends (if the project does not coincide with a period of for-credit enrollment, i.e., typically summer), etc. Project support during the summer after graduation is not eligible. A $2,000 before tax stipend is paid to the faculty mentor at the completion of the student project.
Stamps Impact Prize proposals will be evaluated by a review panel convened by the Office of the Provost and selected on the quality of the written proposal, the extent that the project is student-initiated, the clarity of the plan/achievability of results, the student’s expected independent contribution, the enrichment potential/impact on student’s academic and/or professional career, and the strength of the faculty/mentor’s endorsement. Approximately 13-15 Stamps Impact Prizes will be awarded in each of two application cycles (Fall and Spring).
Already have your materials ready to go?
Submit a STAMPS Impact Prize application
Submit a STAMPS Impact Prize Mentor Letter
Have questions? Email us.
Award Cycles
Application Window Opens | October 1 |
Application Deadline | November 1 |
Awards Announced | November 15 |
Application Window Opens | March 1 |
Application Deadline | April 1 |
Awards Announced | April 15 |

Meet the Director of STAMPS
We have talented undergraduate students looking to our exceptional faculty for remarkable experiences – research and creative endeavors – outside of the classroom. The Stamps Impact Prize is a perfect fit for this need and will significantly change what the Ole Miss experience can and will be for these gifted students.
Kenneth Sufka
Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Pharmacology, Research Professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Director of the Stamps Impact Prize