Formatting Headings and Buttons

Learn the webs standards for formatting headings and buttons.

How to Format Headings and Buttons

Formatting is extremely important. When done properly the entirety of pages look and feel to be part of a whole. Some key areas of formatting that often get over looked are headings and buttons.

Formatting headings in Cascade

Headings help create a logical hierarchy for the reader and help search engines understand what the page is about. They are extremely important to use in general, and even more important when we can use them correctly. 

Here's some quick tips about headings:

  • All pages come with a heading 1. This is the title of the page and explains in the more broad strokes what the page is about. These are always in all caps and appear at the top of the page.
  • Module titles register at heading 2. Whether it is a checkerboard or a testimonial, modules titles are H2s. This means that the words in the H2 should nest within the concept of the H1. For instance, if your H1 was "Campus Courses," and your H2 was "How to Make a Chocolate Chess Pie," it would be confusing for the user and for search engines. Is your page about courses on campus or is it a recipe for a chocolate pie?

Headings follow specific capitalization standards 

  • H1's are all caps. This is hard coded into Cascade. Because of this, there's no way to mess this up.
  • H2's follow Associate Press Stylebook capitalization guidelines. All words are capitalized, unless they are conjunctions or prepositions.

    For instance: "The Right Way To Capitalize a Heading in Cascade," not "The Right Way To Capitalize a Heading in Cascade."
  • H3's and all subsequent headings are in sentence case. The beginning of the title is capitalized, as are any proper nouns, just like in a normal sentence.

    For instance: "The right way to capitalize a heading in Cascade."

Learn How Headings Can Help Optimize Your Page

Formatting buttons in Cacade

Buttons include any link you create in WYWSIWYG or BODY HTML or any clickable item already built into a module. 

The formatting for buttons depend on how they are used. 

  • If you create a button in a WYSIWYG you should always have your linked text be in title case. 

    For instance:

    Learn More About the Department of Geology

    Whenever you use choose to display your link as a button, make sure that it isn't centered. No button should be centered on a page. 
  • If you are using a Call out Block, or a listing module, you can write it in sentence case. 

    For instance:

    Learn more about the Department of Geology
  • If you are using an Accordion drawer, you should write the title of the drawer in title case, following AP capitalization guidelines.

    For instance, see the titles of this Accordion module.