A sport management education program is judged by the level of performance its graduates are perceived to have attained. While a thorough knowledge in a variety of areas is essential in the preparation of the competent entry-level recreation professional in leisure service delivery positions, it provides only the basis upon which the individual will function professionally.
- The application of the generalist sport management education process can take place only in real life situations. It is essential that an internship provide opportunity to personalize the knowledge in a practical environment. To facilitate this goal, a 400-hour internship experience is mandated and is an integral part of the sport management curriculum at the University of Mississippi.
It is intended that knowledge obtained in the classroom and practical service-learning experiences will be utilized during the internship experience. The major purpose of the internship is to provide the student opportunities to apply and personalize this broad knowledge base. Our internship is required by our accrediting body, the Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions (COAPRT).
In Learning Outcomes: Standards and Assessment, COAPRT explains the learning outcomes of an accredited programs in this way:
- Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate, through a comprehensive internship of not less than 400 clock hours and no fewer than 10 weeks, the potential to succeed as professionals at supervisory or higher levels in park, recreation, tourism, or related organizations (7.04)
At the completion of the internship, the student should be able to function as a competent front-line supervisor as a sport management professional.
The student, the agency, and the University all benefit from this experience as practitioner professionals and University faculty work together to provide worthwhile experiential opportunities for students prior to their internship. Every professional should be interested in the recruitment and professional preparation of talented young people. Our internship, therefore, makes a valuable contribution to the preparation of tomorrow's leaders in sport and recreation administration.
- The Internship Manual delineates the philosophy and objectives of the internship, the policies and procedures, forms records, and reports to be submitted.
- The Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release of Liability form is required to be signed by agency, student and faculty internship supervisor.
Getting Ready for the Internship
Before students start their internships, they must have:
- Twelve hours from Sports Management major Emphasis (Sports Analytics or Sports Management) Coursework or Additional Requirements for Students with a RT minor are required (see RT faculty internship advisor or Sports Management Coordinator)
- 2.5 GPA for all Sport Management courses completed in Sport Management.
Students must also complete, verify, and file the following documents with the Sport and Recreation Administration advisor before they begin their internships experience:
- Signed Agreement by on-site internship supervisor, student, and faculty advisor.
- Current copy of student’s CPR/First Aid certification cards (front and back). The certifications must be valid until the end of the student’s internship.
- Complete pre-internship competency exam with acceptable score.
Sport and Recreation Internship site selection (without RT Minor)
Students without a RT Minor interested in an sport and recreation internship site, should remember that:
- The site selected for visitation may be identified through consultation with the SRA advisor and SRA Internship Coordinator or Instructor
- The agency selected should be appropriate to an area of pre-professional interest.
- The Student’s advisors have the authority to accept or reject the student’s choice for the internship.
Recreational Therapy Internship site selection
Students with a RT Minor interested in a recreational therapy internship site, should remember that:
- The site selected for visitation may be identified through consultation with the SRA advisor and SRA Recreational Therapy Internship Coordinator or Instructor
- Internship Site Supervisor must be a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS)
- Internship must be a minimum of 560 hours over at least 14 weeks
- All prerequisites for the SRA Internship must be met plus completed at least 18 hours toward the RT minor.
- The Student’s advisors have the authority to accept or reject the student’s choice for the internship.