
Art, B.A.

Earn a flexible BA in Art, explore diverse media, and pair it with another field for a well-rounded creative education.

Student standing at canvas painting

“The department community and willingness to share ideas and visions are something special. They challenged and encouraged me everyday. It was awesome to learn from people who love the creative process of art making.”

Rosa Salas

B.F.A. in Art '20

Bachelor of Arts in Art

The Department of Art & Art History in the College of Liberal Arts offers the B.A. in Art. Students who major in art are creative thinkers who visualize the world around them to create contemporary and conceptual works of art.

B.A. vs. B.F.A.

  • The Bachelor of Arts degree has a deeper and wider general education foundation than the B.F.A. degree. The B.A. degree provides flexibility for combining the study of art with a minor field of study. Students can use their art electives to focus on the studio area of their choice.
  • Students can choose to enter the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree during the regular UM admissions process. After completing the foundation core, B.F.A. students participate in a foundations review process and select an emphasis area. They gain wider training across the studio areas, gain depth in their chosen emphasis area, build a professional portfolio, and hold a final thesis show.

The Value of an Art Degree

Art majors develop the fundamentals of design, learn how to promote their art, and become adept at new technologies within their field. They can analyze visual materials, communicate conceptual ideas, and problem solve in creative ways–all skills that are highly desired by employers.

On this Page…

    Program Information

    Program Type



    Area of Study



    4 Years


    B.A. in Art

    Program Location


    Required Credit Hours


    Degree Requirements

    Students in the B.A. in Art program complete 33 credit hours of art courses and 9 credit hours of art history courses.

    • Art 101: Two-Dimensional Design
    • Art 103: Three-Dimensional Design
    • Art 111: Drawing I
    • Art 201: Digital Imaging
    • Art 211: Drawing II
    • 18 credit hours of Art courses at the 300-level or higher
    • AH 201: History of Art I
    • AH 202: History of Art II
    • 3 credit hours of Art History at the 300-level or higher
    • 18 credit hours of Art courses at the 300-level or higher
    • Art 406: BA Forum

    The minor in art consists of 18 hours of studio art courses, including 6 hours at the 300 level or higher.

    Required courses

    • Art 101: Two-Dimensional Design
    • Art 103: Three-Dimensional Design
    • Art 111: Drawing I

    And 9 additional hours of studio art courses

    See all art courses in the catalog.

    Video: Get to Know the Department of Art and Art History

    Hear firsthand from students and faculty about the Art program.


    Meet a Current Art Student

    Explore what it's like to study the Bachelor of Arts in Art, including the courses, opportunities, and skills you'll gain along the way.

    Haley Chiles

    Haley Chiles

    Why is your department a special place?

    See Haley’s Answer

    What can I do with an art degree?

    • Designer/Host, HGTV's Home Town
    • Creative Consultant, Estee Lauder
    • Graphic Designer, Walt Disney World
    • Art Director, Marriott International
    • Executive Art Director, Simon & Schuster
    • Marketing Specialist, Turner Broadcasting
    • Director of Philanthropy, Heifer International
    • Professor of Ceramics, University of Utah
    • Webmaster, Oxford School District
    • Scenic Artist, Denver Center Theatre
    • Technical Artist, Los Alamos National Labs
    • Game Developer, Mind Level Up
    • Creative Director, CNN
    • Appraisal Services, Antiques Roadshow
    • Collections Assistant, Burke Museum
    • Staff, Chicago Art Institute

    Choosing your Minor or Double Major

    Bachelor of Arts students must choose a minor (or double major). Combine your study of art with many other subjects based on your interests and career goals.
    Annabelle Harris

    Welcome to the College of Liberal Arts

    As Coordinator of Student Recruitment for the College of Liberal Arts, I work with students, and their parents, who are interested in attending UM for their undergraduate degrees. I coordinate personalized visits to our departments, answer questions about the majors and programs in the CLA and handle all recruitment communications from the CLA. Please feel free to send me any questions you may have. It is my job to make sure you have everything you need to make an informed decision on where to spend your college career, and I hope it will be with the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Mississippi!

    Annabelle Harris

    Admissions Counselor

    Future CLA Students

    group of students sitting in the Union and studying together

    College of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Students

    We invite future undergraduates to learn about the College of Liberal Arts, the value of the liberal arts education, our programs, career opportunities, and resources to help you succeed. You can also request a personalized degree sheet. 

    Future CLA Students

    Next Steps

    Explore Affordability

    We have a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to help make college more affordable for you and your family.

    Apply to the University of Mississippi

    Are you ready to take the next step toward building your legacy?