Hourly Grades and Quartiles
Here, you'll find detailed information on compensation ranges for hourly employees.
Your guide to hourly compensation
Welcome to the University of Mississippi Hourly Compensation Grades webpage! Here, you will find comprehensive information about the university’s compensation grades used for Staff roles.
Each grade includes a breakdown of minimum, midpoint, and maximum salary ranges, available in both hourly and annual formats. Additionally, we provide a breakdown of each grade into quartiles. Quartiles divide the salary range into four equal parts, helping to better understand how compensation is distributed across the range.
These tables provide transparency and clarity for current and prospective employees, ensuring an easy-to-navigate resource for understanding compensation expectations at the University of Mississippi.
If you are a current employee and have questions about your grade or placement within your range, please connect with your direct supervisor, leadership in your areas, or your HR Partner.
Learn about your compensation grade
To find information about a specific job profile, simply use the search function (Command + F on Mac, Ctrl + F on Windows) to search for keywords within the table.
1 | $14.00 | $17.50 | $21.00 |
2 | $15.40 | $19.25 | $23.10 |
3 | $16.94 | $21.18 | $25.42 |
4 | $18.64 | $23.30 | $27.96 |
5 | $20.50 | $25.63 | $30.76 |
6 | $22.55 | $28.19 | $33.83 |
7 | $24.81 | $31.01 | $37.21 |
8 | $27.29 | $34.11 | $40.93 |
9 | $30.02 | $37.52 | $45.02 |
10 | $33.02 | $41.27 | $49.52 |
11 | $36.32 | $45.40 | $54.48 |
12 | $39.95 | $49.94 | $59.93 |
13 | $43.94 | $54.93 | $65.92 |
14 | $48.34 | $60.42 | $72.50 |
15 | $53.17 | $66.46 | $79.75 |
16 | $58.49 | $73.11 | $87.73 |
17 | $64.34 | $80.42 | $96.50 |
18 | $70.77 | $88.46 | $106.15 |
19 | $77.85 | $97.31 | $116.77 |
20 | $85.63 | $107.04 | $128.45 |
21 | $94.19 | $117.74 | $141.29 |
22 | $103.61 | $129.51 | $155.41 |
23 | $113.97 | $142.46 | $170.95 |
24 | $125.37 | $156.71 | $188.05 |
25 | $137.90 | $172.38 | $206.86 |
For more information, view hourly compensation quartiles below.
Find your hourly compensation quartiles
To find information about a specific job profile, simply use the search function (Command + F on Mac, Ctrl + F on Windows) to search for keywords within the table.
1 | $14.00-$15.75 | $15.75-$17.50 | $17.50-$19.25 | $19.25-$21.00 |
2 | $15.40-$17.33 | $17.33-$19.25 | $19.25-$21.18 | $21.18-$23.10 |
3 | $16.94-$19.06 | $19.06-$21.18 | $21.18-$23.30 | $23.30-$25.42 |
4 | $18.64-$20.97 | $20.97-$23.30 | $23.30-$25.63 | $25.63-$27.96 |
5 | $20.50-$23.07 | $23.07-$25.63 | $25.63-$28.20 | $28.20-$30.76 |
6 | $22.55-$25.37 | $25.37-$28.19 | $28.19-$31.01 | $31.01-$33.83 |
7 | $24.81-$27.91 | $27.91-$31.01 | $31.01-$34.11 | $34.11-$37.21 |
8 | $27.29-$30.70 | $30.70-$34.11 | $34.11-$37.52 | $37.52-$40.93 |
9 | $30.02-$33.77 | $33.77-$37.52 | $37.52-$41.27 | $41.27-$45.02 |
10 | $33.02-$37.15 | $37.15-$41.27 | $41.27-$45.40 | $45.40-$49.52 |
11 | $36.32-$40.86 | $40.86-$45.40 | $45.40-$49.94 | $49.94-$54.48 |
12 | $39.95-$44.95 | $44.95-$49.94 | $49.94-$54.94 | $54.94-$59.93 |
13 | $43.94-$49.44 | $49.44-$54.93 | $54.93-$60.43 | $60.43-$65.92 |
14 | $48.34-$54.38 | $54.38-$60.42 | $60.42-$66.46 | $66.46-$72.50 |
15 | $53.17-$59.82 | $59.82-$66.46 | $66.46-$73.11 | $73.11-$79.75 |
16 | $58.49-$65.80 | $65.80-$73.11 | $73.11-$80.42 | $80.42-$87.73 |
17 | $64.34-$72.38 | $72.38-$80.42 | $80.42-$88.46 | $88.46-$96.50 |
18 | $70.77-$79.62 | $79.62-$88.46 | $88.46-$97.31 | $97.31-$106.15 |
19 | $77.85-$87.58 | $87.58-$97.31 | $97.31-$107.04 | $107.04-$116.77 |
20 | $85.63-$96.34 | $96.34-$107.04 | $107.04-$117.75 | $117.75-$128.45 |
21 | $94.19-$105.97 | $105.97-$117.74 | $117.74-$129.52 | $129.52-$141.29 |
22 | $103.61-$116.56 | $116.56-$129.51 | $129.51-$142.46 | $142.46-$155.41 |
23 | $113.97-$128.22 | $128.22-$142.46 | $142.46-$156.71 | $156.71-$170.95 |
24 | $125.37-$141.04 | $141.04-$156.71 | $156.71-$172.38 | $172.38-$188.05 |
25 | $137.90-$155.14 | $155.14-$172.38 | $172.38-$189.62 | $189.62-$206.86 |