Department of Leadership and Counselor Education
If you are interested in taking the next step in your career as a counselor or administrator, the Department of Leadership and Counselor Education is poised to provide you with the necessary preparation and credentials.
Welcome to the Department of Leadership & Counselor Education
If you are interested in taking the next step in your career as a counselor or administrator, the Department of Leadership & Counselor Education is poised to provide you with the necessary preparation and credentials.
Guiding you through this important phase of your career will be outstanding faculty who received their doctoral degrees from prestigious institutions across the nation. Our faculty are dedicated to the success of each graduate student, and help her or him acquire not only a solid educational foundation but also the appropriate professional experience through internships, assistantships and other professional placements. The faculty continue to contribute to the growth of their professions through publications and national presentations.
The Department of Leadership & Counselor Education houses two branches of educational preparation:
Leadership Education
Also known in the School of Education as "K-12 Educational Leadership," this branch of the SOE centers around preparing students for advancements in their career and leadership skills as administrators in a K-12 environment. Preparation with our programs include courses with topics such as: ethics and professional norms of educational leaders, and cultural leadership, operations and management, data-informed leadership, school law and leadership, and much more.
Learn more about Educational Leadership
Counselor Education
This branch of the SOE centers around preparing students to be effective school counselors, clinical mental health counselors, or play therapy counselors in K-12 schools and beyond. Preparation with our programs include practicum and internship requirements alongside courses with topics such as: counseling skills, lifespan development, group counseling procedures, career counseling, crisis intervention, family counseling, addictions counseling, legal and ethical issues in play therapy, play diagnosis and assessment, and much more.
Learn more about Counselor Education
Continue reading to learn more about our programs in the Department of Leadership & Counselor Education.
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