Accelerated Master's Program (4+1)

Earn the undergraduate and master's degrees in 5 years instead of 6.

image of three students talking together while seated around a conference table

Accelerated Master's Program

The Department of Political Science offers students with excellent academic records the opportunity to apply for admission to an accelerated five-year B.A./M.A. degree program. This program requires that students apply in the spring of their junior year. Admitted students then take graduate-level POL courses in their senior year working toward both undergraduate and graduate degrees in an expedited, five-year program. The Graduate School labels this program: GradSHARK Launch PAAD (Program for Accelerated Advanced Degrees)

Why a Master’s degree?

A master’s degree makes you more competitive in the job market, helps you more easily gain promotions into management and leadership, and earn a higher salary. It dramatically reinforces the benefits of being a life-long learner with improved core skills of research, analysis, and communication, allowing you to more easily tackle complex projects in all areas of your life.

Earnings and Unemployment Rates by Educational Attainment, 2023

Type of DegreeMedian Weekly Earnings ($)Unemployment rate (%)
Doctoral 2,1091.6
Associate's 1,0582.7
some college9923.3
High School diploma8993.9
Less than high school7085.6
Source: Department of Labor Statistics

For many, earning a master’s degree is a decision about the return on investment for the time and money to earn a graduate degree. With our accelerated program, we shave a year off tuition and time from the typical path towards the master’s degree….making it a great return on investment!

image of Madison Hamilton


“As a freshman I already knew I wanted to pursue a master’s degree because my mother has her master’s and I knew the value of that degree. The program made it easy to plug in the right courses and achieve the accelerated master’s degree.”  Madison earned her BA degree in May 2021 in both Political Science and Spanish, and completed her MA degree in Political Science in 2022.

Madison Hamilton

Senior Data Analyst, Triangulum Insights

Application Process


  • Political Science major
  • At least 90 undergraduate credit hours earned before enrollment in the Accelerated Master's  Program
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA

Students must be accepted into the Launch PAAD and complete the requisite GradSHARK Launch PAAD Course Enrollment Form for this degree. The form must be received by the Graduate School prior to the start of the spring semester of junior year. The form requires approval from your Undergraduate Advisor and the Graduate Program Coordinator for Political Science. Accepted students should notify the Graduate School (via the Graduate Program Coordinator) and the Course Instructor to ensure that they are assigned graduate-level work in the 500-level courses to earn graduate-level credit. During each subsequent term, students must submit a new enrollment form for this program if they wish to take courses that can count towards a graduate degree.

Master's level students select a major field of study and a minor field of study, chosen from American, Comparative, or International Relations. 

500-Level Courses Offered

  • POL 550 Research in Politics
  • POL 551 Empirical Political Analysis
  • POL 552 Applied Political Research
  • POL 500 Seminar in American Politics
  • POL 523 Theories of Comparative Political Analysis
  • POL 531 Seminar in International Relations
  • POL 598 Special Topics in Political Science


Contacts and links

Academic Advisor: Rachael Jones,

Undergraduate Program Director: Dr. Sue Ann Skipworth,

Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. Ben Jones,

GradSHARK Launch PAAD Enrollment Form

Application to the Graduate School M.A. Political Science Program