Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions about Student Disability Services.

Application Processes and Funding

Guidance on university admissions, funding options, and required documentation for SDS accommodations.

The University of Mississippi does not have a separate set of admissions criteria for students who have disabilities. Students requiring additional information about the admissions process should contact the Office of Admissions.

Students with disabilities who may require additional funding and/or support sources in order to attend school are encouraged to investigate the three options listed below:

Chucky Mullins Scholarship Fund

The Chucky Mullins Scholarship Fund was designed specifically for students with physical disabilities at the University of Mississippi. This fund is not administered through the Office of Student Disability Services. Interested students should contact the Office of Financial Aid for information regarding scholarship criteria and application process.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational Rehabilitation is a Federal/State program which provides individualized support services and funding to qualified people with disabilities in order to assist them in becoming self-sufficient and self-supporting. Interested students should contact the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for information regarding criteria and the application process.


DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) has information on additional funding opportunities.

While an IEP or a 504 Plan from the student’s high school can be helpful in showing what accommodations a student may have received in the past, it is not sufficient documentation to determine a student’s eligibility for accommodations at the post-secondary level.

Students who have an IEP or 504 Plan from high school will be required to submit documentation as specified in our documentation guidelines.


Find answers to your academic questions and learn how accommodations are handled to help ensure your success in the classroom.

The confidentiality of disability-related information is protected under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Confidentiality is strictly enforced in order to protect the privacy of the student and to prevent the student from being discriminated against based on a disability. Disability-related information is treated as medical information and is handled under the same strict rules of confidentiality as is other medical information.

Information concerning disabilities will be kept confidential, except that:

  1. Faculty and instructors may be informed by the student regarding any accommodations they may be required to assist with.
  2. Safety and health personnel may be informed, when and to the extent necessary if the condition might require emergency treatment.
  3. Government and/or University officials investigating compliance with the above mentioned Acts shall be informed upon request.
  4. As may be required by law.

Confidentiality and Faculty

Faculty and instructors do not have a right to information regarding a student’s specific diagnosis. If faculty and instructors are going to be asked to assist in accommodating a student, that student is required to voluntarily disclose the need for accommodation by delivering to the faculty/instructor an Instructor Notification of Classroom Accommodations form. This form verifies that the student is registered with the Office of Student Disability Services and informs the faculty member of the determined reasonable accommodations. Students are not required to disclose the nature of the disability to the instructor, only the need for accommodations.

Confidentiality and University Records

Disability-related information is kept strictly confidential even after the student has left the University. A student’s status as registered with SDS will never appear on any University-generated transcript. This information will not be provided to graduate schools, to transfer Universities, or to potential employers. The student’s status will not be released to anyone for any reason (except as noted above) without the student’s written permission.

Confidentiality and Parents

Students enrolled at The University of Mississippi who are over the age of 18 are considered adults and as such their confidentiality is protected. No information, written or oral, will be released to other persons without the student’s written permission. We understand and are sensitive to the needs of parents regarding the emotional and educational condition of their children. As such, we have developed a release form that students can sign which allows us to speak with parents. Signing this form is completely voluntary and students may revoke their permission at any time by notifying this office in writing. Copies of the parental release form are available at the SDS office. Students should complete and sign this form in the presence of SDS staff.

The Office of Student Disability Services does not provide academic advising to students with disabilities. As a result, students who require Academic Advising should schedule an appointment with the Center for Student Success and First-Year Experience or contact the department of their scholastic major for advising information.

  • Because of regulations governing confidentiality, academic advisors will not be notified by this office of the names of students with disabilities.
    • If a student believes that his/her disability should be considered while arranging course schedules, that student should disclose the disability to the academic advisor.
  • Students with disabilities are subject to the same process for scheduling advisor appointments as are all other students.
    • Therefore, it is the responsibility of the student to make advisor appointments early enough that they may benefit from priority registration.

If direct classroom accommodations are recommended and the student chooses to use them, the student will be given an Instructor Notification of Classroom Accommodations form to give to each instructor.

  • A new Notification form must be completed for each semester.
  • Notification forms verify that the student is registered with SDS and informs the instructor of the determined reasonable accommodations.
  • The student is responsible for delivering the Instructor Notification of Classroom Accommodations form to faculty and instructors.
  • Students SHOULD NOT hand the Instructor Notification forms to the instructors and then walk away. Students should meet with each instructor in order to discuss the approved accommodations and the implementation of those accommodations in each class.

When requested, instructors will be expected to assist in the provision of accommodations when reasonable and necessary. Instructors are not expected to compromise essential elements of the course or evaluation standards.

Attendance is considered an essential aspect of a post-secondary education. As such, the University and the Office of Student Disability Services cannot accommodate the inability to attend class. Accommodations are considered to be supplements to the classroom experience. They are not intended to replace regular classroom attendance and participation.

All students, including those with disabilities, are expected to comply with the University’s attendance policy. Attendance policy details can be found in the M-Book. Students who may miss some class because of a disability related reason should discuss attendance requirements with their instructors.

Students with temporary injuries and illnesses are encouraged to work directly with faculty because faculty are uniquely situated to provide assistance to students with temporary injuries and illnesses.

The Office of Student Disability Services does not have a tutoring program. Tutoring is considered to be a personal service and as such is not provided by this office. Students should contact individual departments regarding any tutoring they may provide.

  • The Center for Student Success and First Year Experience provides tutoring information for students.
  • If a student is unable to locate a tutor through CSSFYE resources, the Office of Student Disability Services will attempt to locate one.
    • We do not make any claims as to the ability and/or knowledge of tutors we may recommend.

The Office of Student Disability Services is not empowered to waive or substitute degree requirements. Any such requests should be made directly to the college or school in question.

SDS may be contacted by the college or school in question to provide disability-related information, and we will gladly do this with the written permission of the student.

To appeal an academic decision (such as a grade or academic suspension), the student should contact the Office of the Registrar for information regarding the appeal process. Academic appeal processes can also be found in the University Policy Directory.

The Office of Student Disability Services will gladly complete relevant sections of accommodation applications for standardized tests which may be necessary for graduate education or professional certification. However, we cannot guarantee that the testing agency in question will provide the requested accommodations.

Students should be aware that the documentation they submitted for accommodations through the Office of Student Disability Services may not be sufficient to qualify for accommodations on some standardized exams. Well before it becomes necessary to take one of these exams, students should research eligibility guidelines in order to avoid the last minute denial of accommodations.

Campus Life

Learn about the accommodations and services available to enhance your campus experience.

New freshman and transfer students with disabilities attend the same orientation sessions as do non-disabled students. In addition, incoming students with disabilities will register for their first semester of classes using the same process as all other incoming students.

If an incoming student believes that his or her disability should be considered while registering for classes, that student should disclose the disability to his or her assigned academic advisor.

If you are an incoming student or the relative of an incoming student who may require accommodations during orientation please contact the Orientation Office.

This policy provides that students with disabilities, who require the use of Emotional Support Animals as a reasonable accommodation, receive the benefit of the therapeutic support they provide. UM is allowing approved students with disabilities the use of an Emotional Support Animal in student housing to facilitate their full-participation and equal access to the residential experience.

Information on Special Parking Accommodations is provided by the Department of Parking & Transportation.

This will depend upon the reason for your visit. If you will be on campus to attend a specific event or conference, you will contact the department or organization sponsoring the event.

  • For instance, if you are on campus for Spring Visit Day or a prospective student tour, you will contact the Admission’s Office; if you are on campus for summer orientation, you will contact the Orientation Office; and so on.
  • If you are unsure about who to contact regarding access during your visit, please contact the ADA Coordinator for more information.

Vocational rehabilitation (VR) is a program that helps people with disabilities find and maintain employment

If you're of employment age, have a disability that affects your ability to work, and are willing to work, the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services' (MDRS) Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) is here to partner with you.

  • MDRS offers individualized services, including vocational assessments, job placement assistance, training, and more. Specialized counselors are available to support various needs such as transition services, supported employment, and services for individuals with hearing loss or addiction recovery.

The Office of Student Disability Services does not provide assistance with the management of medication.

Students are strongly encouraged to contact Student Health Services for assistance if there are concerns about medication or prescriptions for medication.