Outside Employment

Are you thinking about taking a position outside of the University? Learn more about our outside work policy.

Make sure you understand the process for taking on outside work

All employees interested in taking a position outside of the University will need to complete the Outside Employment Form and get approval before starting. This form ensures that your outside work won’t interfere with your duties at the University.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Before starting any outside job, fill out the form and send it through the proper channels for approval. Your request must be reviewed and approved by the Chancellor.
  • The policy ensures that outside employment doesn’t conflict with your role at the University, especially if it involves supervision, inspection or purchasing authority in a related field.
  • The form must be completed at the start of each fiscal year or when your outside job changes—whichever comes first.
  • If your outside work occurs during regular business hours, you must use Personal Leave (vacation time), unless the work qualifies under the Faculty Consulting Policy.
  • Supervisors are responsible for making sure employees follow these rules.

Download the Form

Once you have completed the form, it can be submitted via this Secure Upload link.

Frequently asked questions

Answers to questions about outside employment.

All full-time employees need to submit an Outside Employment form if they perform services for an entity other than the University of Mississippi.

Yes. You need to submit an Outside Employment form if you have any role in a company, business, or venture outside of the University, even if you have not started receiving any pay.

Annually. All full-time employees need to submit an Outside Employment form each fiscal year that they receive pay or compensation from an entity other than the University of Mississippi, receive stock or stock options from serving on the board of a company, and/or participating (including serving on a board) in a company, business, or venture, even if they do not receive pay.

Employees also need to re-submit an Outside Employment form any time that their employment status changes if they will still receive externally provided compensation or pay during the remainder of the year.

No, unless you are a paid volunteer. If you receive compensation, you should submit an Outside Employment form.

No. If you are paid or receive compensation in any amount, you should submit an Outside Employment form.

No. You do not need to submit an Outside Employment form if an entity reimburses you for expenses.

Yes. This includes honoraria for lectures, presentations, review panel service, board service, etc. If you are paid an honorarium, you should submit an Outside Employment form.

No, passive income (as opposed to earned income) as defined by the IRS tax code does not require the completion of an Outside Employment form. Examples of passive income include dividends from investments, capital gains from real estate, retirement benefits and gifts. These types of income do not require an employee to submit an Outside Employment form.

No, you can file one Outside Employment form annually that covers all outside employment or honoraria received throughout the year. This should be done annually and anytime your employment status changes.

Yes, if you are paid royalties on a book, you must submit an Outside Employment form.

No. These types of payments or compensation do not require an Outside Employment form.

Yes. Stocks and/or stock options for serving on a board would be considered compensation and you should submit an Outside Employment form.

Yes. The University still considers you an employee during the summer months, and benefits generally continue during the summer as a result of this ongoing employment relationship.

Yes. Renting property that you own is not necessarily considered passive income, and could be considered a business venture. Therefore, you should complete an Outside Employment form.

No. You do not need to submit an Outside Employment form for monies received from recreational gambling. If you are a professional gambler or pursue this as a line of work, you should submit an Outside Employment form.

No, because jury duty is reported on a timesheet. All faculty and staff can indicate their jury duty service on a timesheet, which is the same form used to report medical and sick leave.

Contact the HR Service Center

If you have a question, need help, or are dealing with an HR problem, the HR Service Center is here for you. Whether it's about benefits, pay, leave, insurance, tuition waivers, or anything else, our team of experienced HR Service Coordinators is ready to get you the answers you need as quickly as possible.

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