Graduate Programs in Political Science

Our graduate programs, small by design, are empirically focused with rigorous and practical methodological and statistical training

image of a graduate student working at a computer, which shows a statistical program on the screen

Department of Political Science

The University of Mississippi Department of Political Science offers two graduate degrees - the Master of Arts (M.A.) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) designed to prepare students for careers in academia, research, and government.

Graduate studies in the department focus on three main fields of political science - American Politics, Comparative Politics, and International Relations. Students in the master's and doctoral programs select a major field of study from those choices. Doctoral students also select a minor field (or political methodology). 

The program:

  • is empirically focused with rigorous but practical methodological and statistical training;
  • includes experts in survey experiments and other leading empirical methods; 
  • is small by design, giving personalized attention;
  • allows students to join faculty on collaborative research grants and projects; and
  • provides opportunities for students to develop their own research projects and agendas.
Benjamin Thomas Jones

Graduate Program Coordinator

Thank you for your interest in a graduate degree in Political Science from the University of Mississippi. We are an empirically focused department with strengths across American Politics, Comparative Politics and International Relations. Our program is small be design, emphasizing hands-on training and research opportunities for students. Our training prepares graduates for a range of careers in academia, as well as government, NGOs and the private sector.

Benjamin Thomas Jones

Associate Professor of Political Science and Graduate Program Coordinator

Program Information

Learn more about admission requirements and research support below. For assistance, contact our Graduate Program Coordinator, Dr. Ben Jones.


The Department of Political Science welcomes student applications with the following materials.  

  1. Complete the Graduate School’s Online Application.
  2. Pay the application fee ($50).
  3. Submit official transcripts.
  4. International applicants whose first language is not English may be required to submit scores from an acceptable English language proficiency test.
  5. Upload Supplemental Application materials for the Department of Political Science to the link provided by the online application.
  • Statement of purpose. 2-page document describing your interests in political science, selection of a major field (American politics, comparative politics, or international relations), and career goals
  • Writing Sample: Substantial piece of work that highlight your best writing and analytical skills
  • Three letters of recommendation: provide contact information for three recommenders  

All applicants should hold at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and have a competitive undergraduate grade-point average. A master’s degree is not required for consideration for the doctoral program. We do not require the submission of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, but students who have taken the GRE may submit their scores. All applicants will be considered for non-need-based financial aid. 

The deadline for Fall admissions is February 1stUnder special circumstances, we will consider Spring admissions (October 15th deadline).  In most cases, this requires having a master’s degree.

Graduate students in the Department of Political Science have access to a number of resources on campus to support their research, including

As a member of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, the University provides access to ICPSR’s data archives and opportunities for advanced study in political methodology for faculty and students.

Degree Information

Learn more about the curriculum requirements for the M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science. 

Stipends and Scholarships

Learn more about financial support from the Department of Political Science and the Graduate School. The Bhagat and the Howerton & Fortenberry scholarships support students in the accelerated master's program.

The Department of Political Science offers graduate assistantships that require assisting faculty with teaching or research. We offer competitive funding packages for students that center around graduate assistantships in the department. Students with a half-time graduate assistantship, corresponding with 20 hours of work per week, will also receive a full-tuition waiver (including out-of-state fees, if necessary), as well as subsidized student health insurance. Students with a quarter-time graduate assistantship, corresponding with 10 hours of work per week, will receive a 75% tuition waiver, along with subsidized student health insurance.

The Graduate School’s financial aid webpage lists a variety of funding possibilities, including summer support and a recruiting fellowship program that promotes academic excellence and access to graduate education to groups who are historically underrepresented. 


  • First preference: Full-time student in the second year of the accelerated master's program (4+1)
  • Second preference: First year graduate student in political science

Application process: 

  • Complete application to the graduate program

About Dr. Goberdhan Bhagat 

Dr. Goberdhan Bhagat (1928-2015), originally from Bihar, India, and affectionately known as ‘GB’, served as an adviser to the United Nations while studying at Yale. In 1964 he joined the faculty at UM, teaching in the political science department for 30 years, retiring in 1994. As one faculty member stated “GB introduced several generations of students to the world of international politics. Dr. Bhagat has influenced the lives and thinking of many alumni, including many Mississippi political leaders.”


  • Full-time political science graduate student

Application process:

  • Application to the graduate program

About Dr. James W. Garner

Dr. James W. Garner (1871- 1938) a native of Pike County, Mississippi, worked his way through Mississippi State College (now Mississippi State Univ.) in1892, and went on to receive his Ph.D. in 1902 from Columbia University. He taught at the University of Illinois, Champaign for more than 30 years, creating the Department of Political Science there. He was the author of numerous books including a popular textbook, Introduction to Political Science.

Dr. Garner was recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities on international law. He gave guest lectures at the world’s most famous universities and in 1910 was decorated by the French National Order of the Legion of Honor. In 1939, upon the wishes of Dr. Garner, his widow gave his prized private library to UM.


  • full-time student
  • enrolled in master's degree program in political science

Application process: 

  • Complete application to the graduate program


About Lanny Griffith

Lanny Griffith, who earned his BBA and JD from UM, serves as chief executive officer of BGR Group. He joined the Washington, DC-based government affairs and communications firm in 1993 after serving in several roles in the Republic National Committee and in President George H. W. Bush’s administration.

Griffith’s political career began in the early 1980s when he worked for the Republican National Committee, managed Haley Barbour’s (JD 73) U.S. Senate race in 1982, and served as the executive director of the Mississippi Republican Party for three years. In 1988, he served as Southern Political Director for Vice President Bush’s presidential campaign.

Read more about this outstanding alum of the University of Mississippi. 


  • Full-time undergraduate student
  • Major in Political Science  
  • Academic achievement  
  • Interest in graduate or law school 
  • First preference for students in the accelerated master’s program (4+1) or accelerated law program (3+3)

Application process: 

  • Complete department application

About Dr. Howerton and Dr. Fortenberry

Dr. Robert N. Leavell (1924-2004) provided funds for the Howerton-Fortenberry Award in the Study of Government. The scholarship recognizes the influence on Leavell of two legendary political science professors at UM – Huey B. Howerton & Charles Nolan Fortenberry.

Dr. Huey Blair Howerton (1895-1977), a native of Mississippi and veteran of WWI, received his B.S. degree from Mississippi State College (now Mississippi State Univ.), master’s degree from UM, and Ph.D. from the University of Texas. He joined the UM faculty in 1930 where he served until his retirement in 1962. He was the first chair of political science in 1943 and held that position for 15 years.

Dr. Charles Nolan Fortenberry (1908-1998) was raised in a small community in south Mississippi, pursued his educational degrees during the Depression and worked his way through college to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees from UM. He then went to the University of Illinois and completed his Ph.D. in 1937. After serving in WWII, he joined the UM faculty, becoming chair of political science at UM in 1958, a post that he held for a decade.


  • Ph.D. graduate student
  • outstanding academic record


  • Complete application to the graduate program

About Dr. Dwight Tays

Dr. Dwight L. Tays, a native of Alabama, earned a doctorate in political science from UM in 1982. He had a 40-plus year career as professor and chair of the Department of History, Politics and Philosophy at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN. As he stated, ‘the Department of Political Science at Ole Miss not only provided me with a sound education but also inspired me to make societal contributions beyond the classroom’.  

image of Andrew Miller

Meet a Current Graduate Student

"The department has a closely knit environment that has fostered my growth as an academic. The faculty are staunchly committed to preparing their PhD students with the skills, tools, and knowledge to be successful in their careers. In addition to a robust empirical and theoretical education in the field, they provide opportunities to gain experience through research and teaching assistantships. The attention and care devoted to each graduate student is what makes the graduate program at Ole Miss excel as opposed to those at larger institutions. It is the best of both worlds in terms of receiving both a quality education and an enjoyable academic experience."

Andrew Miller

Ph.D. Student

student standing next to a whiteboard and pointing to a line graph while a professor is seated in a chair and also pointing to the board

Graduate Student Mentorship

Peyton Day’s dissertation explores how globalization has enabled armed groups to create and access progressively widespread and complex networks of partners and supporters to subsidize their operations. By synthesizing the literature on state sponsorship, cooperation among armed groups, constituent support, and criminal financing tactics, her research provides a more holistic view of the intricate social dynamics, interdependencies, and strategic interactions characterizing the operating environments in which armed groups procure the resources necessary to conduct attacks against their state adversaries.

Learn More About Our Current Graduate Students and Their Fields

Our graduate students come from all over the country and the world to study at UM! 

Current Graduate Students and Their Primary Field


Prachanda AdhikariInternational RelationsRivisarani KarunanayakaInternational Relations
Ryan AmmenheuserAmerican PoliticsAndrew MillerComparative Politics
Wil BunchAmerican PoliticsMeghan MillsAmerican Politics
Ethan DavisAmerican PoliticsMelvin OliviaInternational Relations
Peyton DayInternational RelationsAmanda PereraComparative Politics
Joel DeereInternational RelationsMd. Foysal Jaman ShishirInternational Relations
Madison GuilloryAmerican PoliticsElaine TagertInternational Relations
Xuemeng HuInternational RelationsAbdulkadir YapiciInternational Relations
Patricia HullAmerican PoliticsWesley YatesInternational Relations
Anika IbnatInternational RelationsAdil YildizInternational Relations
Guélan ZaourAmerican Politics

Job Placement

Political Science graduates (M.A. and Ph.D.) take their knowledge and skills to jobs across the country and the world. 

Higher Education Career Examples

  • Arkansas State University
  • Atlanta Metropolitan State College
  • Ball State University
  • SUNY - Buffalo State
  • California State Univ, Dominguez Hills
  • Central European University
  • Columbia University
  • Fisk University
  • Florida International University
  • Florida Southern College
  • Freed-Hardeman University
  • International Univ. of Africa
  • Jackson State University
  • Georgia State University
  • Maha Chulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya University
  • Missouri State University
  • National University of Singapore
  • Northwest MS Comm College
  • Oklahoma State Univ.
  • Princeton University (Data Specialist)
  • Southeastern Louisiana Univ
  • The Citadel
  • University of Central Florida
  • University of Georgia
  • University of Kentucky
  • University of Memphis
  • University of Minnesota
  • Univ. of South Carolina - Chapel Hill
  • Univ. of Southern Miss. (Assessment Coor.)
  • University of Tennessee
  • University of Texas
  • University of Virginia (Dir. Assessment)
  • University of Wyoming
  • Winthrop University

Non-Higher Education Career Examples

  • Investigator, Dept. of Housing & Urban Dev
  • Kingmaker Strategies
  • US military intelligence agency
  • Manager, Community Health Systems
  • Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office
  • Analyst, Arkansas Court System
  • Health Sector Coord, World Health Org.
  • Assistant District Attorney, Loudon County
  • Arkansas Bureau of Legislative Research
  • Dir. of Info Tech Center, Michigan County
  • Manager, Wisconsin Diagnostic Labs
  • Asst. District Attorney, DeSoto County
  • Officer, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp
  • National Conf. of Black Political Scientists
  • Program Coordinator, Houston Food Bank
  • Senior Researcher, American Research Bureau
  • YouGov, Senior Political Analyst
  • Durham County (NC) Board of Elections
  • Center for Justice and International Law
  • Start Company (downtown revitalization)
  • Infotonics Technology Center
  • Pareto.AI
  • VP, Cleveland State Bank
  • Software Development, Nielsen
  • District Director, US Congressional Office
  • Foreign Service Officer, US Dept. of State