
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology

Study human life and culture throughout time and across the world.

Professor discusses an array of stone tools to students.

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology in the College of Liberal Arts offers the B.A. in Anthropology. Students focus on human culture by taking a holistic approach throughout time and across the world.

Anthropology is a four-field discipline that studies society and culture of the past and present. 

  • Archaeologists study prehistory through physical remains.
  • Bioanthropologists study where humans came from and how we exist in different environments.
  • Cultural anthropologists study contemporary social issues.
  • Linguistic anthropologists study language in its social context.

The Value of an Anthropology Degree

Anthropology trains students to be global citizens. Current employers are looking for students who have developed the multi-disciplinary and critical thinking skills necessary to better understand our globally connected and diverse world. Students gain skills in observation, analysis, research, critical thinking, writing, and interacting with people from all cultures. 

Careers related to anthropology include:

  • archaeology
  • impact assessment
  • museum technology
  • education
  • law
  • business management
  • marketing
  • forensics
  • healthcare

On this Page…

    Program Information

    Program Type



    Area of Study

    Social Sciences, Law, and Policy


    4 years


    B.A. in Anthropology

    Program Location


    Required Credit Hours


    Degree Requirements

    Students in the B.A. in Anthropology complete 30 credit hours. They also complete a minor field of study (or double major).

    4 Core courses (12 credit hours)

    • Anth 303: Cultural Anthropology
    • Anth 304: Biological Anthropology
    • Anth 305: Archaeology
    • Anth 409: Anthropological Theory

    2 Methods courses (6 credit hours)

    • Anth 320: Archaeozoology: Animal Use in History
    • Anth 335: Archaeological Field Session
    • Anth 344: Archaeological Science: Stones to Drones
    • Anth 375: Digital Archaeology
    • Anth 390: Bioarchaeology Abroad
    • Anth 391: Archaeological Field Session Abroad
    • Anth 392: Field Study: Culture of the Andes
    • Anth 393: Ethnographic Field Methods Abroad
    • Anth 405: Bone Detectives I: Human Osteology
    • Anth 406: Methods in Ethnohistory
    • Anth 407: Methods in Ethnography
    • Anth 408: Laboratory Methods in Archaeology
    • Anth 412: Earth, Water, & Fire: Ceramic Analysis
    • Anth 413: Public Archaeology: Theory and Method
    • Anth 419: Dental Anthropology
    • Anth 425: Bone Detectives II: Biological Profiles

    4 Anthropology elective courses (12 credit hours)

    See all anthropology courses in the UM Catalog.

    Many educational and career paths would benefit from the addition of an anthropology minor, providing both content knowledge and the social science skills needed to negotiate our complex society.

    A minor in anthropology consists of 18 credit hours of anthropology courses, providing maximum flexibility in pursuing the areas of anthropology that interest you the most.


    Connect with an Anthropology Major

    Cecelia  Pullman

    Cecelia Pullman

    • Service and Community Engagement

    Why is your department a special place?

    See Cecelia ’s Answer
    Chloe Vizer

    Chloe Vizer

    When and how did you choose your major?

    See Chloe’s Answer

    What can I do with an anthropology degree?

    • Archaeologist, Boston University
    • Lab Manager, NC State Human ID and Forensic Lab
    • Levant Curator, British Museum
    • Curator, Montpellier Museum Program
    • Senior VP, BancorpSouth
    • Fund Analyst, Evergreen Investments
    • VP Operations, Morrow Creative
    • Hydrogeologist, Spectrum Envir. Services
    • Archaeologist, New South Associates
    • Physician, Avalon Medical
    • Regional Director, St. Jude Children's Hospital
    • Chief Archaeologist, MS Dept. of Archives and History
    • Sr. Advisor, Swedish Natl. Heritage Board
    • Senior City Planner, New Orleans
    • Archaeologist, Army Corps of Engineers
    • Game Designer, Arkane Studios
    • Social Studies Teacher, New Richmond High School
    • Attorney, Purdie and Metz PLLC

    Choosing your Minor or Double Major

    Bachelor of Arts students must choose a minor (or double major). Combine your study of anthropology with many other subjects based on your interests and career goals.
    Annabelle Harris

    Welcome to the College of Liberal Arts

    As Coordinator of Student Recruitment for the College of Liberal Arts, I work with students, and their parents, who are interested in attending UM for their undergraduate degrees. I coordinate personalized visits to our departments, answer questions about the majors and programs in the CLA and handle all recruitment communications from the CLA. Please feel free to send me any questions you may have. It is my job to make sure you have everything you need to make an informed decision on where to spend your college career, and I hope it will be with the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Mississippi!

    Annabelle Harris

    Admissions Counselor

    Future CLA Students

    image of a group of students studying together in the Union

    College of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Students

    We invite future undergraduates to learn about the College of Liberal Arts, the value of the liberal arts education, our programs, career opportunities, and resources to help you succeed. You can also request a personalized degree sheet. 

    Future CLA Students

    Next Steps

    Explore Affordability

    We have a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to help make college more affordable for you and your family.

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