"I appreciated connecting classes in the cinema minor to my major in history. I enjoyed discussions about the history of film and directed a student film set in historical places on the Oxford Square."
Cathryn Grace Guntharp (B.A. in History, minor in Cinema Studies '18)
About the Minor in Cinema Studies
The College of Liberal Arts offers the interdisciplinary minor in Cinema Studies. It offers courses from across the arts, humanities, and social science disciplines to study cinema as works of art and culture.
Cinema Studies is at the heart of a growing international, interdisciplinary interest in media studies. Students gain the critical vocabulary and perspective to analyze motion pictures within larger artistic, cultural, historical, political, linguistic, and global contexts. Because of the variety of cinema content, analysis, technology, and distribution, a cinema minor complements almost any major.
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Program Information
Program Type
Area of Study
Interdisciplinary Programs
Program Location
Required Credit Hours
Academic Requirements
- Anth 302: Anthropological Films
- Art 384: Digital Video I
- Art 484: Advanced Digital Video
- Art 584: Digital Video
- Chin 361: China through Film
- Cine 396: Festival Programming
- Cine 398: Study Abroad in Cinema
- Eng 304: Screenwriting Workshop
- Eng 310: Introduction to Cinema Studies
- Eng 311: Studies in Cinema/Media Genres
- Eng 312: Studies in Cinema/Media History
- Eng 313/Mlll 361: Introduction to World Cinema
- Eng 314: The Cinematic South
- Eng 315: Studies in Black Film
- Eng 386/G St 386: Gender on Film
- Eng 403: Advanced Screenwriting Workshop
- Eng 411: Special Topics in Cinema/Media Studies
- Eng 412: Sp Topics Cinema/Media Theory, History
- Eng 413: Special Topics in Media/Cultural Studies
- Eng 414: Special Topics in the Cinematic South
- Eng 427: Shakespeare on Film
- Fr 361: French and Francophone Cinema
- Fr 362: Regional Identity in French Cinema
- Fr 399: Special Topics in Film
- Fr 561: Advanced Topics in French and Francophone Cinema
- Germ 361: German Cinema
- Germ 561: Advanced Topics in Cinema in German
- G St 350: Gender and Sexuality in Cinema
- Hst 481: Topics in History and Film
- Hst 482: Samurai in Film
- Ital 361: Italian Cinema
- Mlll 302: China through Literature and Film
- Mlll 361: Introduction to World Cinema
- Phil 355: Philosophy of Film
- Port 361: Brazilian Cinema
- Rel 386: Religion and Film
- Russ 361: Russian Cinema
- Span 361: Cinema in Spanish
- Span 561: Advanced Topics in Cinema in Spanish
- S St 535: Anthropological Films
- S St 537: Documenting the South in Film
- Thea 203: Drama in Film
- Thea 204: Comedy in Film
- Thea 205: Cinema Survey I
- Thea 206: Cinema Survey II
- Thea 279: Costume Design for Film and Television I
- Thea 308: Comedic Acting for the Screen
- Thea 323: Film and Aristotle
- Thea 463: Writing from Stage to Screen
- Thea 479: Costume Design for Film and Television II

Why choose Cinema Studies?
"The cinema studies minor allows students to explore the history of audiovisual media, the meanings and receptions of individual texts, and the production of exciting new works. Students become familiar with elements of both the production of new cinematic works and the study of works from a variety of theoretical perspectives. We actively encourage students to explore widely and deeply as they come to appreciate new ways of conceiving their relationship to screened artworks and entertainment."
Leigh Ann Duck
Director of the Cinema Minor, Associate Professor of English, Editor of The Global South
Local Film Festivals
The UM Cinema Festival is held annually in the fall of each year. Current UM students, alumni, and faculty are invited to submit work of any genre and length. All work submitted will be considered for festival awards.
The Oxford Film Festival celebrates the art of independent cinema. Through year-round programming, the festival works to encourage filmmaking in Oxford and North Mississippi as part of the global film community, while cultivating audience appreciation of cinema through screenings, workshops and educational programs that culminate in the annual festival in the spring of each year.
What can I do with cinema studies?
- Content strategist, Pinnacle Ad & Marketing
- Chief Creative Officer, Thrown2Gether Productions
- Co-founder, Deer Run Media
- Video Producer, Mississippi Film Inc.
- Videographer, Landers Center
- Scripting Editor, Deluxe
- Digital Asset Manager, St. Jude Children's Hospital
- Technical Director, ESPN
- Associate Producer, Netflix
- Director of PR/Media Production, Oxford Police
Welcome to the College of Liberal Arts
As Coordinator of Student Recruitment for the College of Liberal Arts, I work with students, and their parents, who are interested in attending UM for their undergraduate degrees. I coordinate personalized visits to our departments, answer questions about the majors and programs in the CLA and handle all recruitment communications from the CLA. Please feel free to send me any questions you may have. It is my job to make sure you have everything you need to make an informed decision on where to spend your college career, and I hope it will be with the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Mississippi!
Annabelle Harris
Admissions Counselor
Future CLA Students

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