Project Timeline
- Approved by IHL Board to onboard CampusWorks, Inc. as consulting partner
- Contract fully executed
- UM leaders, faculty, staff, and students notified
- Preparation kick-off meeting with Core Committee
- Project name identified: Project Encompass
- Kick-off with UM and CampusWorks, Inc.
- Distribute Readiness Assessment Survey to Units
- Host Workshop: Trends and Higher Education
- Interviews and data collection begin
- Create a Detailed Project Work Plan
- Focus Groups
- Financial Analysis
- Readiness Assessment
- Vendor Showcase
- Recruiting and Admissions
- Financial Aid and Student Accounts
- Advising, Degree Audit, Student Planning
- Academic Scheduling and Planning
- Registration and Curriculum Management
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Communications Plan
- Process Maps
- RFP Requirements/Functional Area
- Develop Draft of RFP; Review and approve
- Post RFP
- Prepare Demo Scripts
- Score/Analyze RFP Responses
- Software Product Demos
- Implementation Demos
- Develop Final Proposal
- Present Project Proposal to Senior Leadership Group