Current Students
Explore resources and support services available for students with disabilities.

Resources For SDS Students

Rebel Access Portal
The Rebel Access Portal is a centralized platform for students registered with Student Disability Services. It provides students with easy access to manage their accommodations, including requesting testing accommodations, interpreting, notetaking services, and accessible reading materials.

Testing Center
The SDS Testing Center at Ole Miss provides a supportive environment for students with approved testing accommodations, ensuring accessibility and fairness during exams. It offers services like distraction-reduced spaces, test scheduling via the Rebel Access Portal, and proctoring tailored to students' needs.

Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation services through the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services (MDRS) help students with disabilities prepare for successful employment by offering personalized services such as job training, assistive technology, and career counseling.

The Bridge Program for Autism
The Bridge program aims to facilitate the transition into college by providing academic and social support to all University of Mississippi students who have been diagnosed with autism. Through mentorship, tutoring, and activities, members are able to navigate higher education with ease.

Free Consultation Writing Services
The Writing Center at the University of Mississippi works to help UM students cultivate individualized strategies for becoming independent, effective, and confident writers. The Writing Center offers free writing consultation services for UM students.
Additional Resources
SDS Policies
Learn more about our policies designed to provide accommodations and support for students with disabilities, promoting equal access and inclusion in academics and campus life.
View Policies -
Accessibility Barriers
Help us foster an inclusive environment by reporting any accessibility barriers you encounter on campus to the Office of Equal Opportunity & Regulatory Compliance.
Report a Barrier to Access -
Report a Person of Concern
This process allows you to share your concerns regarding a person at The University of Mississippi. By submitting a Person of Concern form, you are helping to maintain a healthy and safe campus environment at The University of Mississippi. The Dean of Students Office oversee the submitted Person of Concern reports.
Submit a CARE Referral -
Policy for Students with Disabilities
The University of Mississippi is committed to providing for the needs of enrolled or admitted students who have disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008.
View the Policy for Students with Disabilities -
Student Privacy and Confidentiality
Under FERPA, SDS protects the confidentiality of disability records and may only disclose information without consent in limited situations. SDS can share details with instructors about how a disability impacts the classroom, but not the diagnosis, if the student signs an accommodation agreement.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) -
Commitment Statement on Disability Access
In January of 2010, the Chancellor of The University of Mississippi reaffirmed the University's commitment to students, staff and visitors with disabilities.
Read the Commitment Statement on Disability Access
University Resources
Equal Opportunity and Regulatory Compliance
The University of Mississippi’s Office of Equal Opportunity & Regulatory Compliance (EORC) is responsible for compliance with federal laws and regulations pertaining to the fair treatment of faculty, staff, and students, which includes the application of Title IX and Title VII, and upholds equal employment opportunity to ensure equal access to the University.
Division of Access, Opportunity, and Community Engagement
We connect people with opportunities and resources so they may engage the world and pursue their dreams.
Office of Veteran and Military Services
We provide comprehensive resources to veterans, military, and dependents to aid in their overall success as Ole Miss students.
Center for Student Success and First-Year Experience
The Center for Student Success and First-Year Experience promotes student success through comprehensive, multifaceted, and dynamic initiatives to ensure a quality collegiate experience for our diverse student population.
Center for Inclusion and Cross Cultural Engagement
We support student success by fostering a welcoming campus community where all students can thrive. Through programs that promote access, retention, and engagement, the center enhances the academic experience and connects students to vital campus resources.
University Counseling Center
At the University Counseling Center (UCC), you will find a team of dedicated professionals who strive to offer the best care possible in an atmosphere of acceptance and respect.
Psychological Services Center
Psychological services provides affordable and accessible services to the Mississippi community. We also engage in research that improves treatment across the nation, and provide in-depth training to our skilled staff of clinical graduate students.
Local, State, and National Resources
- Federal Disability Website
- U.S. Department of Education-Rehabilitation Services Administration
- U.S. Department of Justice-Civil Rights Division-Disability Rights Section
- U.S. Department of Labor-Office of Disability Employment Policy
- U.S. Department of Education-Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- National Library Service for Blind and Physically Handicapped
- Social Security Disability Benefits
- National Federation of the Blind
- American Foundation for the Blind
- Vision Aware: Resources for Independent Living with Vision Loss
- National Association of Blind Students
- Helping Students with Visual Impairments
- Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD)
- Education Resources Information Center
- Education Testing Services (ETS)
- How to Study for the GRE
- Going To College-Resource for Teens with Disabilities
- Affordable Colleges Online-Resources for Students with Disabilities
- Accredited Schools Online-Higher Education and Students with Disabilities
- Best Colleges-College Resources for Students with Disabilities
- College Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
- College Scholarships and Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities
- More College Scholarships and Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities
- Scholarships and Grants for Students with Disabilities
- Guide for College Students with Disabilities
- National Center for College Students with Disabilities
- Black College Students with Disabilities
- Gallaudet University for Deaf and HOH
- National Deaf Center
- Disability Career Guide
- What Can You Do? The Campaign for Disability Employment
- USA Jobs Resource Center
- Job Accommodation Network
- Kessler Foundation Disability Employment and Research
- National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)
- Learning and Attention Issues
- Disabilities R Us
- DREAM-Disability Rights for College Students
- Cerebral Palsy Guide
- Cerebral Palsy Guidance
- Autism Speaks
- Museum of Disability History
- Disability History Museum
- Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI)
- Travel Accessibility Resources
- Home Repair Resources and Funding for People with Disabilities
- Retail Savings Guide for People with Disabilities
- Apps For Students With Neurological Differences