If you are having problems logging into your account, the IT Helpdesk can assist you with this. There are a few things to note before calling the IT Helpdesk:
1. WebID passwords are case-sensitive. Please ensure your caps-lock is set correctly and you are typing the password EXACTLY as you set it originally.
2. WebID passwords must be 8 - 100 characters in length. They must contain upper and lowercase letters, at least 1 number, at least 1 special character (e.g. !@#$), and cannot match your previous 5 passwords. Do not use common words like "olemiss" or "rebel." Passwords should not contain your name or WebID.
3. For security reasons, the IT Helpdesk is unable to retrieve any passwords and cannot change any passwords over the telephone.
If you are unable to come by the IT Helpdesk with Photo ID, there are alternate methods of changing your password:
WebID Help Form - myOleMiss
Password Change Request - Email
Text password change (My Profile in myOleMiss must contain current cell phone information)
All UM employees are issued an email address. To check your email, use Office 365 or an email client such as Microsoft Outlook. Access is secured with your WebID. Employees may also sign up for a Google email (Gmail) account. This account will be an additional account for UM Gmail and other Google apps, leaving the UM Mail account to be used for official UM correspondence. To request a UM Gmail account, visit, log in with your WebID. Select the Employee tab, then Technology, and finally Gmail Sign-up from menu.
All UM students are issued an official email address when they are admitted. This is the primary means of communication from the administration, instructors, and advisors. UM students will be issued UM Gmail accounts. UM Gmail addresses have the extension.
Web Pages
The University offers free web-space on the Sunset server to all users. For more information about setting up a personal website, click here.