Zoom is a video communication platform used for online (synchronous) classes, webinars, and meetings. All students and employees have Zoom accounts through the University.
Downloading Zoom
Zoom may be used on any device (computer/laptop/tablet/phone) that has Internet access, a camera, a microphone, either speakers or headphones. In case of slow or limited Internet bandwidth, turning off the video may improve audio performance.
Go through the setup of the Zoom client for your device. When asked for a username and password, use your WebID credentials. (Using your WebID account helps instructors and other students know who is in attendance.)
Using Zoom
Explore the Zoom Help Center where you can find answers to most all aspects of using Zoom. There are also several One Minute Videos and an overview with customized instructions based on the device the participant will use to join.
Video Conferencing Etiquette
- Be aware of your audio and video settings. Unless instructed otherwise, we recommend that you mute and turn off your video during class.
- Eliminate distractions by closing unneeded browser windows and other programs which can take your focus away from the instructor. Set your phone to "Do Not Disturb" for the duration of the class.
- If you do turn on your video, ensure that you are dressed appropriately, and that you have a clean background behind you.
- The chat window is a good tool for contributing information in a way that doesn't interfere with the main presentation. Avoid private chats with other participants.
- Please always be respectful to other Zoom participants.